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Portal latinoamericano de toxicología

Historical & Law

Cannabis exposure among children and teenagers after medical marijuana legalization in Massachusetts


Cannabis-related poison control calls for Massachusetts kids doubled after medical pot legalized. sciencedaily.com. August 16, 2019. Summary: After medical marijuana became legal in Massachusetts, cannabis-related poison control calls involving the commonwealth’s children and teenagers doubled, according to a public health investigation. Hoja de marihuana (Sertox) After medical marijuana became legal in Massachusetts, cannabis-related poison control […]

The contribution of the vast infrastructure of US military to climate change


US military is a bigger polluter than as many as 140 countries – shrinking this war machine is a must. By Benjamin Neimark, Oliver Belcher, Patrick Bigger. theconversation.com. 24/06/19. The US military’s carbon bootprint is enormous. Like corporate supply chains, it relies upon an extensive global network of container ships, trucks and cargo planes to […]

Chemical residue evidence from the first millennium BCE in the Pamirs & the origins of cannabis use


Origins of cannabis smoking. Evidence from ancient burials at high elevations. sciencedaily.com. June 12, 2019. Summary: A chemical residue study of incense burners from ancient burials at high elevations in western China has revealed psychoactive cannabinoids. The finding provides some of the earliest evidence for the use of cannabis for its psychoactive compounds. Cannabis, tan […]

A thousand years ago, Native Americans in South America used multiple psychotropic plants


Ancient ritual bundle contained multiple psychotropic plants. eurekalert.org. May 06, 2019. A thousand years ago, Native Americans in South America used multiple psychotropic plants — possibly simultaneously — to induce hallucinations and altered consciousness, according to an international team of anthropologists. Yagué o ayahuasca (Sertox) The researchers found a ritual bundle in the Cueva del […]

Arsenic level of 17 ppb like in Peñafiel brand is a clear violation of the US bottled water standard


Arsenic in Some Bottled Water Brands at Unsafe Levels, Consumer Reports Says. By Ryan Felton*. consumerreports.org. April 18, 2019. Keurig Dr Pepper suspends production of its Peñafiel brand, as CR urges a full recall and tougher federal standards. What you need to know. Natural foods grocery chain Whole Foods introduced its new brand of bottled […]

Revenue losses to State and Federal Government from opioid-related employment reductions, study


Opioid epidemic may have cost US governments $37.8 billion in tax revenue. sciencedaily.com. April 11, 2019. Summary: The opioid epidemic may have cost U.S. state and federal governments up to $37.8 billion in lost tax revenue due to opioid-related employment loss. Sobredosis de metadona y otros opioides (CDC) The opioid epidemic may have cost U.S. […]

Long-term fate of Agent Orange and dioxin TCDD contaminated soils and sediments in Vietnam hotspots


Toxic byproducts of Agent Orange continue to pollute Vietnam environment, study says. eurekalert.org. February 27, 2019. During the Vietnam War, United States aircraft sprayed more than 20 million gallons of herbicides, including dioxin-contaminated Agent Orange, on the country’s rain forests, wetlands, and croplands. Agent Orange defoliated the thick jungle vegetation concealing Viet Cong fighters and destroyed […]

Amphetamine and opioid use in pregnancy increased over the last decade in the United States, study


More pregnant women are using meth and opioids, study finds. sciencedaily.com. November 29, 2018. Usage rates among moms-to-be have spiked in the past decade, with a disparate boost among pregnant women who live in rural counties. Summary: Amphetamine and opioid use in pregnancy increased substantially over the last decade in the United States, a new […]

Biomolecular archaeology reveals ancient origins of indigenous tobacco smoking in North American


Interior northwest Nez Perce used tobacco long before European contact. sciencedaily.com. October 29, 2018. Molecular analysis of pipes uncovers longest record of use. Summary: Researchers have determined that the Nez Perce grew and smoked tobacco at least 1,200 years ago, long before the arrival of traders and settlers from the eastern United States. Their finding […]

The European Parliament accepted the report to advocates a ban on microplastics in cosmetics


The European Parliamente wants to ban microplastixs en cosmetics. By Michiel Roscam Abbing.  beatthemicrobead.org. 26/10/18. Breaking news: the European Parliament has embraced the environment commission’s report entitled Turning plastic wastelands into fields of gold, by a huge majority.  ¿Inofensivo dentífrico? (SerTox) The report, compiled by the European Parliamentarian Mark Demesmaeker, supports the Plastic Strategy, Europe’s strategy to […]

A Brazilian court overturned an injunction banning products containing glyphosate


Brazil court overturns ban on weed-killer glyphosate. reuters.com. September 03, 2018. A Brazilian court on Monday overturned an injunction banning products containing the popular weed-killer glyphosate, knocking down a previous ruling that had been set to disrupt the soy planting season set to begin this month. A Brazilian judge ruled last month to halt the registration […]

A unique historical case to understand the present sustainable development: Ammonia synthesis


Ammonia synthesis: the greatest innovation of the 20th century. An exceptional compound with two sides. By Enrique Sacristán. agenciasinc.es. August 01,  2018.In addition to being a well-known cleaning product, ammonia is essential in the manufacture of fertilizers that, equally, are necessary to produce food for livestock and mankind. The chemical process to synthesize this nitrogenous […]

Eight out of 11 popular slime toys for children we tested failed safety testing


Children’s toy slime on sale with up to four times EU safety limit of potentially unsafe chemical. By Hannah Fox. which.co.uk. July 17, 2018. Eight out of 11 popular children’s slimes we tested failed safety testing. Which? is warning parents to approach children’s slime with caution after tests found some contain levels of boron more […]

Exceptionally high levels of lead pollution in the Balkans from the Early Bronze Age


Earliest European evidence of lead pollution uncovered in the Balkans. sciencedaily.com. June 01, 2018. Metal-related pollution began in the Balkans more than 500 years before it appeared in western Europe. Summary: New research has revealed that metal-related pollution began in the Balkans more than 500 years before it appeared in western Europe, and persisted throughout […]

The case of a fatal asbestos cancer after decades of exposure to talc-based baby powder


Toxic Talc and Mesothelioma. By Laurie Kazan-Allen. April 16, 2018. ibasecretariat.org. A historic breakthrough categorized by a leading plaintiffs’ expert as “breathtakingly fantastic” occurred in a US courtroom this month when a New Jersey jury handed down the first mesothelioma claimant’s verdict against Johnson & Johnson to Stephen Lanzo, a 46-year old investment banker, who contracted […]

Association between US state medical cannabis laws and opioid prescribing, study


Legalized medical cannabis lowers opioid use, study finds. sciencedaily.com. April 02, 2018.  Summary:US states that have approved medical cannabis laws saw a dramatic reduction in opioid use, according to a new study. States that have approved medical cannabis laws saw a dramatic reduction in opioid use, according to a new study by researchers at the […]

Ignoring adjuvant toxicity falsifies the safety profile of commercial pesticides, study


Commercial pesticides: Not as safe as they seem. sciencedaily.com. March 08, 2018. Summary: This is the first comprehensive review of gaps in risk assessments for adjuvants in pesticide formulations which are not currently subject to safety assessments. Ignoring the potential dangers of other ingredients in commonly used commercial pesticides leads to inaccuracies in the safety […]

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