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Trivia # 213: Naga Jolokia II

30 October, 2013
Toxicological trivia from 30/10/13: in trivia # 212  we referred to this pepper that is grown and eaten in India’s northeast. The scientific measurement of the hotness of chili, for example, Classic Tabasco sauce usually has been measured at 2,500 to 5,000 Scoville units.  What will be the power of the Naga Jolokia:a) More than ten thousand Scoville units;b) More than one hundred thousand Scoville units;c) More than one million Scoville units.
Trivia # 213: Naga Jolokia II
Correct Answer c, 1,041,427 units on the Scoville scale.  Read more in  Spanish article: Chemical weapons based Indian Naga Jolokia or inThe Guardian in english. 
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