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Trivia # 160 : toxic baits for elephants

23 April, 2010
Toxicological trivia from April 23, 2010:  Indonesian poachers used poisoned baits to extract ivory tusks of an elephant from Sumatra, in serious danger of extinction and the eighth found dead by poisoning in the last three months from this date. The body of the giant mammal, in his 30s, was found in June 2009, near a logging Riau province, reported the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). The toxic bait was placed in:
a) Pineapple;
b) Bananas;
c) Forage.

Trivia # 160 : toxic baits for elephants
Elephas maximus sumatranus
Correct Answer a. Read more on Spanish article: Pineapple poisoned to kill elephants
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