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Portal latinoamericano de toxicología


Scorpion toxin can be used as a tool for studying chronic pain and inflammation


Scorpion toxin that targets ‘wasabi receptor’ may help solve mystery of chronic pain. sciencedaily.com. August 22, 2019. Summary: Researchers have discovered a scorpion toxin that targets the ‘wasabi receptor,’ a chemical-sensing protein found in nerve cells that’s responsible for the sinus-jolting sting of wasabi. Because the toxin triggers a pain response, scientists think it can […]

Untangling the scorpion family tree using not only their bodies, but the shape of their venom


Venom shape untangles scorpion family tree. eurekalert.org. November 14, 2018. As a child growing up in Mexico, Carlos Santibanez-Lopez feared the scorpions that would often decorate the walls and ceilings of his home in search of a warm place with plenty of food. El mito del escorpión (eldiario.com.co) This is the scorpion Kolotl magnus from Guerrero, Mexico.CREDITCarlos […]

Scorpions can fine-tune their venom to suit different predators and prey


JCU scientists find scorpions target their venom. jcu.edu.au. October 11, 2017. In the first study of its kind, James Cook University scientists have shown scorpions can fine-tune their venom to suit different predators and prey. Dr Jamie Seymour from JCU’s Australian Institute of Tropical Health and Medicine (AITHM) said a typical scorpion predator would be […]

The house spider genome reveals an ancient whole-genome duplication during arachnid evolution


Genome sequencing shows spiders, scorpions share ancestor. sciencedaily.com. August 01, 2017. In collaboration with scientists from the U.K., Europe, Japan and the United States, researchers at the Human Genome Sequencing Center at Baylor College of Medicine have discovered a whole genome duplication during the evolution of spiders and scorpions. The study appears in BMC Biology.Researchers […]

Similar burrow architecture of three arid-zone scorpion species implies similar ecological function


Scorpions have similar tastes in burrow architecture. sciencedaily.com. June 21, 2016. Common scorpion burrow structure has evolutionary importance. Summary: New research on the burrows of scorpions in diverse environments finds that these predatory arachnids build strikingly similar architectural features in their homes. The study was conducted using molten aluminum casts and 3-D scanning, and suggests […]

About Tityus trivittatus in Buenos Aires City, Argentina


Comments on Environmental and Sanitary Aspects of the Scorpionism by Tityus trivittatus in Buenos Aires City, Argentina. By Adolfo Rafael de Roodt.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov. Toxins (Basel). Apr 2014; 6(4): 1434–1452.AbstractDeaths by venomous animals are medical emergencies that can lead to death and thus constitute sanitary problems in some regions of the world. In the South of America, […]

Trivia # 258: identify a Tityus in peculiar position


Toxicological trivia from November 05, 2014:  Sertox is receiving permanently questions to identify spiders, snakes, caterpillars and/or scorpions. Tityus is a large genus of thick-tailed scorpions (family Buthidae), the namesake of its subfamily Tityinae. As of June 2012, Tityus contains more than 200 described species distributed in Central America and South America, from Costa Rica […]

Scientists have discovered that scorpions create a platform in their burrows, study


Scorpions are master architects, according to new research. sciencedaily.com. July 10, 2014. Summary: The burrows made by scorpions follow a very sophisticated design, beginning with a short, vertical entrance shaft that flattened out a few centimeters below the surface into a horizontal platform, new research has found. The burrows then turn sharply downwards, descending further below […]

The sting in a scorpion’s tail has been connected to common defensive proteins by scientists


How the scorpion’s venomous sting evolved. By Jeremy Coles. bbcnews. January 15, 2014. The sting in a scorpion’s tail has been connected to common defensive proteins by scientists. Defensins are proteins common to many plants and animals that fight off viral, bacterial and fungal pests. Researchers investigated the relationship between these proteins and the neurotoxins […]

Two new article about Scorpions: Defensive behavior and a new specie


Scorpions Use Strongest Defense Mechanisms When Under Attack.sciencedaily.com. November 13, 2013. Scorpions tend to use their strongest defense mechanisms, according to new research published November 13 in the open-access journal PLOS ONE by Arie van der Meijden and colleagues at Centro de Investigação em Biodiversidade e Recursos Genéticos (CIBIO) in Vairão, Portugal. When attacked by […]

Trivia # 205: Tityus quirogae in Venezuela, study


Toxicological trivia from September 06, 2013: Researchers from the East and Central University of Venezuela published new findings about morphological alterations found in scorpions "Tityus quirogae", a species of great medical importance because of the powerful poison that has . In how many copies, of the 100 arthropods studied, found alterations in the shell, teeth […]

Treatment for centruroides genus sting


Prof. Alfredo Rovere recommended us:  Antivenom for Critically Ill Children with Neurotoxicity from Scorpion Stings.Boyer LV et al. N Engl J Med 2009;360:2090-8.PDF full text. (View a video of a child with oculomotor abnormalities after a scorpion sting.) Conclusions: Among critically ill children with neurotoxic effects of scorpion envenomation, intravenous administration of scorpion-specific F(ab’)2 antivenom […]

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