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DFDT: Manipulating solid forms of contact insecticides for infectious disease prevention


Fast-acting German insecticide lost in the aftermath of WWII Fluoridated DDT swiftly kills disease-carrying mosquitoes, which may lower its environmental impact — but its history is alarming. sciencedaily.com. October 11, 2019. Summary: A new study explores the chemistry as well as the complicated and alarming history of DFDT, a fast-acting insecticide. Mosquito picando (Sertox) A […]

Honeybees suffer learning and memory deficits after ingesting small doses of chlorpyrifos


Bees ‘dumb down’ after ingesting tiny doses of the pesticide chlorpyrifos. sciencedaily.com. March 01, 2016. Summary: Honeybees suffer severe learning and memory deficits after ingesting very small doses of the pesticide chlorpyrifos, potentially threatening their success and survival, new research suggests.Honeybees suffer severe learning and memory deficits after ingesting very small doses of the pesticide […]

Trivia # 307: wild animals exposed to PCBs and pesticides


Toxicological trivia from October 23, 2015: Researchers report that some animals in Central Illinois are being exposed to polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and pesticides that were banned in the U.S. in the 1970s and ’80s. Their analysis appears in the journal Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. The Illinois Department of Natural Resources collected 23 animals between 2009 […]

IARC: WHO agency says insecticides lindane and DDT linked to cancer


DDT, Lindane Can Cause Cancer, WHO Says. By Jacob Koffler. time.com. June 23, 2015. DDT was mostly banned in the U.S. in 1970, while lindane is still present in some products. Exposure to insecticides lindane and DDT can cause cancer, according to findings released by the World Health Organization (WHO) on Tuesday. WHO’s International Agency […]

Methoxychlor promotes the epigenetic transgenerational inheritance of adult-onset disease, study


Pesticide linked to three generations of disease: Methoxychlor causes epigenetic changes.sciencedaily.com. July 24, 2014.Summary:Researchers say ancestral exposures to the pesticide methoxychlor may lead to adult onset kidney disease, ovarian disease and obesity in future generations.Washington State University researchers say ancestral exposures to the pesticide methoxychlor may lead to adult onset kidney disease, ovarian disease and […]

A mutation in a gene allows tracking of metabolically-based DDT resistance in a malaria vector


Genetic secret of mosquito resistance to DDT, bed net insecticides discovered. sciencedaily.com. February 24, 2014. Summary:A single genetic mutation causes resistance to DDT and pyrethroids (an insecticide class used in mosquito nets), new research concludes. With the continuing rise of resistance, the research is key as scientists say that this knowledge could help improve malaria […]

Elevated serum DDT metabolite levels and risk for Alzheimer disease, study


DDT Linked To Alzheimer’s Disease: Symptoms, Risk Level Worsened By Exposure To Pesticides In Foods. By Susan Scutti. medicaldaily.com. January 27, 2014. The exact cause of Alzheimer’s disease (AD), a type of dementia which currently affects five million Americans, is unknown though scientists believe the late-onset version of the disease may be linked to a […]

Use of iron nanoparticles for lindane degradation from its by-product monitorization


A fresh solution for the lindane problem.basqueresearch.com. October 22, 2013. For many years two companies located in Bizkaia, Bilbao Chemicals (Barakaldo 1947-1987) and Nexana (Erandio 1952-1982), had been manufacturing lindane and dumping it into the environment with no control whatsoever. Today we have become aware of the need to solve the problems caused by this […]

An article about chlorpyrifos: serious risks to human health and the legal status in US


A Chemical of Concern. By Christopher Cook.onearth.org. May 30, 2012. It was banned from homes in 2000, but agriculture still sprays 10 million pounds of the pesticide chlorpyrifos each year. Luis Medellin has lived most of his 25 years in what he calls "a box of trees" — a trailer park surrounded by orange groves […]

An article about chlorpyrifos: serious risks to human health and the legal status in US


A Chemical of Concern. By Christopher Cook.onearth.org. May 30, 2012. It was banned from homes in 2000, but agriculture still sprays 10 million pounds of the pesticide chlorpyrifos each year. Luis Medellin has lived most of his 25 years in what he calls "a box of trees" — a trailer park surrounded by orange groves […]

Endosulfan and chlorpyrifos found in Southern Screamer dead in February in La Picasa, Santa Fe


It was determined that hundreds of Southern Screamer  were killed in February by insecticides. lacapital.com.ar. April 05, 2012. Two types of pesticides found in animals that appeared dead in  La Picasa’ lake. Provincial Environment Secretary intervened and now the case is being investigated by the courts of Rufino. After studies ordered by the Ministry of […]

Endosulfan and chlorpyrifos found in Southern Screamer dead in February in La Picasa, Santa Fe


It was determined that hundreds of Southern Screamer  were killed in February by insecticides. lacapital.com.ar. April 05, 2012. Two types of pesticides found in animals that appeared dead in  La Picasa’ lake. Provincial Environment Secretary intervened and now the case is being investigated by the courts of Rufino. After studies ordered by the Ministry of […]

Prenatal exposure to some OCs could reduce the birth weight, length, and head circumference


Prenatal Exposure to Organochlorine Compounds and Birth Size. Maria-Jose Lopez-Espinosa, Mario Murcia, Carmen Iñiguez, et al. Pediatrics 2011; 128:1 e127-e134; doi:10.1542/peds.2010-1951 . Abstract: Objective: To investigate the possible association between birth size and cord concentrations of some organochlorine compounds (OCs), including 4,4′-dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT), 4,4′-1,1-dichloro-2,2-bis(p-dichlorodiphenyl)ethylene (DDE), hexachlorobenzene (HCB), β-hexachlorocyclohexane (β-HCH), 4 polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congeners (118, […]

Status of DDT, used for disease vector control


Global status of DDT and its alternatives for use in vector control to prevent disease. VAN DEN BERG, Henk.Ciênc. saúde coletiva [online]. 2011, vol.16, n.2 [cited  2011-04-01], pp. 575-590 . Full text .Abstract:  In this article I reviewed the status of dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT), used for disease vector control, and its benefits and risks in relation […]

Lindane goodbye … ANMAT finally prohibits its use as pediculicides and scabicides goodbye


Prohibit the sale of lindane and other drugs. terra.com.ar. 02/01/1911. The statement of the agency under the Ministry of Health of the Nation states that lindane is indicated particularly in immunosuppressed patients (HIV), and also a second-choice option in the treatment of pediculosis.ANMAT report, that Lindane accumulates in the fatty tissue of all living beings […]

Organochlorine poisoning, fatal – Nigeria: not cholera


Gammalin 20, not cholera, caused mass killing in Adamawa, says government. promedmail.org. December 20, 2010. Adamawa state Government has given more insight into the outbreak of  [suspected] cholera in the northern senatorial district of the state  which has so far claimed over 300 lives.The State commissioner for health, Dr Tijjani Maksha, told newsmen in  Yola […]

Trivia # 43: acetylcholinesterase


Toxicological trivia from October 16, 2009: Acetylcholinesterase, also known as AChE, is an enzyme that degrades (through its hydrolytic activity) the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, producing choline and an acetate group. It is mainly found at neuromuscular junctions and cholinergic synapses in the central nervous system, where its activity serves to terminate synaptic transmission.Choline and an acetate […]

Atropine inhaler to treat organophosphates poisoning


MicroDose initiates Phase 1 clinical trial investigating the pharmacokinetics of atropine inhalation. news-medical. september 24, 2009. MicroDose Technologies today announced that it has initiated a Phase I study at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center with atropine sulfate delivered from the MicroDose proprietary dry powder inhaler (DPI). The study is a further step in the […]

Concern about DDT use against malaria


Unprecedented Use Of DDT Concerns Experts. medicalnewstoday. May 06, 2009.A panel of experts and citizens convened to review recent studies on the link between DDT and human health expressed concern that the current practice of spraying the pesticide indoors to fight malaria is leading to unprecedented – and insufficiently monitored – levels of exposure to […]

Red Kite poisoning with alphachloralose


Red Kite poisoning – Police make information appeal. daelnet.co.uk. May 07,  2009.POLICE are appealing for information after a rare bird of prey was found dead in the Greenhow area of the Yorkshire Dales.The Red Kite was poisoned after apparently eating bait laced with the pesticide alphachloralose, which is often used illegally as a method of […]

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