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Industrial products

Chronic kidney disease of unknown cause in agricultural, study


Chronic kidney disease epidemic may be result of high heat, toxins. eurekalert.org. May 08, 2019. CU Anschutz researchers believe climate change may play role in epidemic that has killed thousands of agricultural workers.  A mysterious epidemic of chronic kidney disease among agricultural workers and manual laborers may be caused by a combination of increasingly hot […]

Prenatal fluoride exposure and ADHD* symptoms in children, study


Higher levels of urinary fluoride associated with ADHD in children. sciencedaily.com. October 10, 2018. Summary:Higher levels of urinary fluoride during pregnancy are associated with more ADHD-like symptoms in school-age children.* ADHD = Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder  Exposición prenatal a … (Sertox) Higher levels of urinary fluoride during pregnancy are associated with more ADHD-like symptoms in […]

Triclosan increases colonic inflammation and colitis-associated colon tumorigenesis in mice


Mouse study links triclosan, a common antimicrobial, to colonic inflammation. eurekalert.org. May 30, 2018. Mouse study led by UMass Amherst suggests new research, more scrutiny is warranted.  A large research team led by senior author Guodong Zhang at the University of Massachusetts Amherst reports that the antimicrobial ingredient triclosan, found in hand soaps and toothpastes among […]

Dietary sources of cumulative phthalates exposure among the US general population, study


Dining out associated with increased exposure to harmful chemicals. sciencedaily.com. March 29, 2018. New study finds burgers and other foods consumed at restaurants, fast food outlets or cafeterias, associated with higher levels of phthalates. Summary: Dining out more at restaurants, cafeterias and fast-food outlets may boost total levels of potentially health-harming chemicals called phthalates in […]

Exposure to BPA during pregnancy, can lead to altered brain development and behavior later in life


Exposure to low levels of BPA during pregnancy can lead to altered brain development. eurekalert.org. March 17, 2018. New research in mice provides an explanation for how exposure to the widely used chemical bisphenol A (BPA) during pregnancy, even at levels lower than the regulated "safe" human exposure level, can lead to altered brain development […]

An approach that quickly and cheaply removes more than 99% of bisphenol A (BPA) from water


Catalysts efficiently and rapidly remove BPA from water. sciencedaily.com. August 02, 2017. Chemists have developed an approach that quickly and cheaply removes more than 99 percent of bisphenol A (BPA) from water. BPA, a ubiquitous and dangerous chemical used in the manufacturing of many plastics, is found in water sources around the world. Concerns over […]

Coalition of scientists from 29 countries said in urging much stricter limits on use of triclosan


Group Urges Tougher Limits on Chemical in Shampoos, Cosmetics. medlineplus.gov. June 20, 2017. Triclosan isn’t proven safe or effective, coalition of scientists from 29 countries says.The germ-fighting chemical triclosan has got to go, an international coalition of scientists claims. Triclosan is found in thousands of products ranging from soap and cosmetics to toothpaste and common […]

A case study highlights the danger liquid nicotine for electronic cigarettes poses to children


Kids Landing in ERs After Drinking Parents’E-Cig Nicotine Liquid. By Robert Preidt. medlineplus.gov. December 27, 2016. In one case, a 6-year-old wound up in intensive care.A case study highlights the danger liquid nicotine for electronic cigarettes poses to children. Doctors in Oregon described the case of a 6-year-old girl who accidentally swallowed liquid nicotine used […]

BPA exposure and symptoms of anxiety and depression among inner city children at 10–12 years of age


Prenatal BPA exposure linked to anxiety and depression in boys. sciencedaily.com. August 16, 2016. Summary: Boys exposed prenatally to a common chemical used in plastics may be more likely to develop symptoms of anxiety and depression at age 10-12. The new study examined early life exposure to the chemical Bisphenol A (BPA).Read also: Bisphenol A […]

High levels of toxic substances in public drinking water supplies for six million people in the US


Unsafe Levels of Toxic Chemicals Found in Drinking Water for Six Million Americans. sciencedaily.com. August 09, 2016.  Levels of a widely used class of industrial chemicals linked with cancer and other health problems — polyfluoroalkyl and perfluoroalkyl substances — exceed federally recommended safety levels in public drinking water supplies for six million . Vaso con […]

The risk assessment of chemical mixtures in Europe


Chemical mixtures: debating the issues.efsa.europa.eu. June 08, 2016. Researchers, scientists, stakeholders and policymakers from around the world gathered recently to discuss issues surrounding the risk assessment of chemical mixtures in Europe. A number of innovative research projects were presented at the symposium, which was organised by EFSA and the Dutch National Institute for Public Health […]

Trophic Magnification of Organic Chemicals: A Global Synthesis


Mystery solved: Traits identified for why certain chemicals reach toxic levels in food webs.sciencedaily.com. April 20, 2016. Summary: Researchers have figured out what makes certain chemicals accumulate to toxic levels in aquatic food webs. And, scientists have developed a screening technique to determine which chemicals pose the greatest risk to the environment. According to the […]

Recent fast food consumption and BPA and phthalates exposures among the US Population, 2003–2010


Fast food may expose consumers to harmful chemicals called phthalates. sciencedaily.com. April 13, 2016. Summary: People who reported consuming more fast food in a national survey were exposed to higher levels of potentially harmful chemicals known as phthalates, according to a new study.Fast food may expose consumers to harmful chemicals called phthalates, say researchers.Credit: © […]

High BPA concentration in maternal compartment increases the risk of spontaneous preterm delivery


Common plastics chemical BPA linked to preterm birth.sciencedaily.com. March 24, 2016. Summary: Higher concentrations of the common plastics chemical and environmental pollutant Bisphenol A, or BPA, in a pregnant mother’s blood may be a contributing factor in preterm births, according to a new study. Estructura del bisfenol A (WP) Higher concentrations of the common plastics […]

Bisphenol S induces adipogenesis in primary human preadipocytes from female donors, study


BPA substitute can trigger fat cell formation: Chemical used in BPA-free products exhibits similar endocrine-disrupting effects. sciencedaily.com. March 22, 2016. Summary: Exposure to a substitute chemical often used to replace bisphenol A in plastics can encourage the formation of fat cells, according to a new study.Read also:  Bisphenol S speeds up embryonic development and disrupts […]

Bisphenol S speeds up embryonic development and disrupts the reproductive system


‘BPA-free’ plastic accelerates embryonic development, disrupts reproductive system. sciencedaily.com. February 01, 2016. Summary: Companies advertise ‘BPA-free’ as a safer version of plastic products ranging from water bottles to sippy cups to toys. Yet a new study demonstrates that BPS, a common replacement for BPA, speeds up embryonic development and disrupts the reproductive system. The research […]

Trivia # 318: Keeping the Artist Safe


Toxicological trivia from January 2016; We published in 2007, a new web page that addresses the hazards of arts and crafts materials has been added to the National Library of Medicine (NLM) .Enviro-Health Links."Keeping the Artist Safe: Hazards of Arts and Crafts Materials" Artists, craftspeople, and hobbyists use potentially hazardous substances. Learn more about the […]

Diacetyl in e-cigarettes linked to a severe lung disease called bronchiolitis obliterans


E-Cigarettes May Contain Chemicals Linked to Lung Disease. By Robert Preidt. nlm.nih.gov.  December 8, 2015. Flavoring compounds have been tied to a serious illness known as ‘popcorn lung’. Many electronic cigarettes contain flavoring chemicals that may cause lung disease, researchers say. A team from Harvard School of Public Health in Boston tested 51 types of […]

Phthalates are associated with increased risk of high blood pressure and diabetes in children & teen


Study Questions Safety of Chemicals Used in Plastic Consumer Products. By  Robert Preidt.nlm.nih.gov. July 09, 2015. Researchers say they see link to risk of high blood pressure and diabetes in children. Two supposedly safer chemicals used to replace a known harmful one in plastic and other consumer products pose similar health risks, a new study […]

Developmental exposure to BPA alters sexual differentiation in painted turtles (Chrysemys picta), st


BPA can disrupt sexual function in turtles, could be a warning for environmental health. sciencedaily.com. April 15, 2015. Summary: Bisphenol A (BPA) is a chemical used in food storage products and resins that line plastic beverage containers. Often, aquatic environments become reservoirs for BPA, and turtle habitats are affected. Now, a collaboration of researchers has determined […]

Work-related asthma affects millions of US adults: CDC


CDC Highlights Prevalence of Work-Related Asthma. Por Leonor Mateus Ferreira. lungdiseasenews.com. April 13, 2015.  Asthma associated with work is not typically a high-profile topic in the news, but it affects 16% of all American adults, according to the results of the new Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention […]

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