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Carbon Monoxide

Elevated carboxyhemoglobin in a marine mammal, the northern elephant seal, study


Elephant seals’ CO as high as heavy human smokers’. By Kathryn Knight. jeb.biologists.org.May 15, 2014.Carbon monoxide (CO) is a silent killer. Produced by incomplete combustion, the colourless, odourless gas binds to the oxygen carrying protein – haemoglobin – in the blood of smokers and fire victims, insidiously clogging the protein to prevent it from transporting […]

Snowstorms may increase the risk of potentially fatal carbon monoxide poisoning, a new study finds


Carbon Monoxide Poisonings May Rise During Storms. By Robert Preidt. nlm.nih.gov. April 08, 2014. Study found indoor use of generators, even deep snow can lead to lethal buildup of the odorless gas.Weather-related power outages and snowstorms may increase the risk of potentially fatal carbon monoxide poisoning, a new study finds.Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless […]

Virginia Tech: a helmet to protect construction workers from carbon monoxide poisoning


Equipping a construction helmet with a sensor can detect the onset of carbon monoxide poisoning. By Lynn Nystrom. eng.vt.edu. August 17, 2013. Jason B. Forsyth, right, of Durham, N.C., and a Ph.D. candidate in computer engineering, places a wearable computing system on a helmet to protect construction workers from carbon monoxide poisoning. The work garnered […]

CO poisoning after Ike hurricane


Carbon monoxide poisoning a post-hurricane hazard. Reuters Health.August 17, 2009.Dozens of people suffered carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning after Hurricane Ike hit southeastern Texas in 2008, and at least seven people died as a result, researchers reported on Friday.Gas-powered generators were by far the most frequent source of CO exposure, according to Dr. Neil B. Hampson […]

To preserve the health of all fire fighters from the potentially life-threatening effects of CO


Global Campaign Launched to Raise Awareness of Carbon Monoxide-Related Risks for Firefighters.emsresponder. July 23, 2009. The International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF) and Masimo jointly announced the launch of a new international health and safety initiative aimed at educating fire fighters about the duty-related dangers of carbon monoxide (CO) and reducing known risk factors that […]

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