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Portal latinoamericano de toxicología

Aluminium phosphide

Occupational Phosphine Gas Poisoning at Veterinary Hospitals from Dogs that Ingested Zinc Phosphide


Occupational hazard among veterinary workers: exposure to phosphine gas. thepoisonreview.com. April 28, 2012.This article reports on the CDC National Institute  for Occupational Health (NIOSH) investigation into cases of phosphine (PH3) poisoning among veterinary workers treating dogs who had swallowed zinc phosphide rodenticide. A poisoning case was defined as “two or more acute adverse health effects […]

Occupational Phosphine Gas Poisoning at Veterinary Hospitals from Dogs that Ingested Zinc Phosphide


Occupational hazard among veterinary workers: exposure to phosphine gas. thepoisonreview.com. April 28, 2012.This article reports on the CDC National Institute  for Occupational Health (NIOSH) investigation into cases of phosphine (PH3) poisoning among veterinary workers treating dogs who had swallowed zinc phosphide rodenticide. A poisoning case was defined as “two or more acute adverse health effects […]

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