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Portal latinoamericano de toxicología

Country: Uruguay

Smoke exposure in pregnant women from Argentina and Uruguay, study


Pregnant Women’s Secondhand Smoke Exposure and Receipt of Screening and Brief Advice by Prenatal Care Providers in Argentina and Uruguay.Tong VT1, Morello P, Alemán A, Johnson C, Dietz PM, Farr SL, Mazzoni A, Berrueta M, Colomar M, Ciganda A, Becú A, Bittar Gonzalez MG, Llambi L, Gibbons L, Smith RA, Buekens P, Belizán JM, Althabe […]

Trivia # 228: common names of Caesalpinia gilliesii


Toxicological  trivia from March 19, 2014: In our paper entitled  "Adaptación para la atención primaria de salud de una clasificación de plantas tóxicas" ("Adapting to primary health care rated toxic plants") in Group 2 (Plants that produce diarrhea and may be associated with emesis) figure Caesalpinia gilliesii, with the common name in Spanish "Lagaña de […]

Two new spider species described from Uruguay: Chaco castanea and Chaco costai


2 new enigmatic spider species with peculiar living habits from Uruguay. eurekalert.org. October 04, 2013. The two new species described from Uruguay, Chaco castanea and Chaco costai, are middle sized spiders that range between 1 and 2 cm in body size. Like all Nemesiids they have elongated body and robust legs with predominantly black-brownish coloration. […]

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