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Portal latinoamericano de toxicología

Country: Mexico

Exposure to lead from glazes that line traditional Mexican ceramics can be toxic


Some Mexican Ceramics Can Serve Up Lead Poisoning. medlineplus.gov. October 20, 2016. Canadian woman’s illness highlights danger from glazes with high lead levels, doctors say. A charming ceramic reminder of a Mexican vacation could end up giving you lead poisoning, a new study warns. Exposure to high concentrations of lead — often found in glazes […]

The result of Krokodil addiction in a 17-Year-Old mexican girl


Teen Injects Krokodil Into Her Genitals: 17-Year-Old Has ‘Rotted’ Vagina After 2 Months Of Injections. By Justin Caba. medicaldaily.com. December 10, 2013. Although the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) denies reports involving the use of the highly addictive, flesh-eating substance "Krokodil" in the U.S., officials in Mexico say the drug has appeared sporadically throughout the country. […]

Mexican scientists is working on a vaccine that could reduce addiction to heroin


Mexican researchers patent heroin vaccine. chicagotribune.com. February 24, 2012.While Mexico grapples with relentless drug-related violence, a group of Mexican scientists is working on a vaccine that could reduce addiction to one of the world’s most notorious narcotics: heroin.Researchers at the country’s National Institute of Psychiatry say they have successfully tested the vaccine on mice and […]

Mexican scientists is working on a vaccine that could reduce addiction to heroin


Mexican researchers patent heroin vaccine. chicagotribune.com. February 24, 2012.While Mexico grapples with relentless drug-related violence, a group of Mexican scientists is working on a vaccine that could reduce addiction to one of the world’s most notorious narcotics: heroin.Researchers at the country’s National Institute of Psychiatry say they have successfully tested the vaccine on mice and […]

Grant to scientists researching Ciguatera fish poisoning on the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean


USD 4 mln-grant to help prevent seafood poisoning. fis.com. January 02, 2012.The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has awarded the first year of an anticipated five-year, USD 4 million grant to scientists researching the causes of Ciguatera fish poisoning, the most common form of algal toxin-induced seafood poisoning in the world, focusing on the […]

Grant to scientists researching Ciguatera fish poisoning on the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean


USD 4 mln-grant to help prevent seafood poisoning. fis.com. January 02, 2012.The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has awarded the first year of an anticipated five-year, USD 4 million grant to scientists researching the causes of Ciguatera fish poisoning, the most common form of algal toxin-induced seafood poisoning in the world, focusing on the […]

Trivia # 147: Capslim in Mexico


Toxicological Trivia from March 26, 2010: Secretariat of Health carried out an alert to all Mexican citizens, in July/2008 to avoid consuming the products called "Capslim" supposedly recommended for weight loss, since they contain toxic ingredients that can cause serious health problems. According to manufacturers the capsules contain "troncomin" an ingredient "natural" fighting obesity, but […]

Trivia # 144: Mexican mushrooms


Toxicological Trivia from March 23, 2010: Teófilo Herrera, emeritus researcher at UNAM, in Mexico, said in an interview that, according to estimation in  the world has a  million and a half varieties of mushrooms, while in Mexico there is 60 thousand, which are known only on:a) 4.5%;b) 17%;c) 34%. Correct Answer a.Read more in Spanish […]

Trivia # 100: aromatic plant


Toxicological Trivia from January 07, 2009: In trivia #61 we were speaking of tea that is prepared with its leaves. It is an aromatic plant which is also used as a condiment, especially in Mexico, where it is called epazote. It is known also like Wormseed, Jesuit’s Tea, Mexican Tea, or Herba Sancti Mariæ. The […]

Trivia # 47: salvia divinorum


Toxicological trivia from October 22, 2009:  Native habitat of Salvia divinorum is  in Oaxaca, Mexico, growing within shaded and moist habitat. Salvia divinorum has a long and continuing tradition of religious use as an entheogen by indigenous shamans, who use it to facilitate visionary states of consciousness during spiritual healing sessions. The indigenous shamans tribe […]

Looking for a paper from Karalliedde


 Ana Belem Piña-Guzmán,  PhD student  CINVESTAV-IPN, México. I am a PhD student at the Center for Toxicology Research and Advanced Studies (Instituto Nacional  Politecnico) in Mexico. My line is research on the effects of organophosphate pesticides. I am interested in getting the articles of Dr. Karalliedde, but there is one of the  year 1989 (Karalliedde […]

Congratulations for us from Mexico


Sergio Rodriguez Leal, Mexico. Nov. 11, 2007. I want to present my most heartfelt congratulations about your Web Site since I found the most complete information that someone in Toxicology want to share. In my country, unfortunately there is not a website with this capability and  extensive knowledge for the purposes of education and guidance […]

Scorpions in México


Trends in mortality from scorpion stings in Mexico, 1979–2003.Celis A, Gaxiola-Robles R, Sevilla-Godínez E, Orozco Valerio MdJ, Armas J. Rev Panam Salud Publica. 2007;21(6):373-380 [ Abstract ]. Conclusions. Despite the sustained decline in the number of deaths from scorpion stings in the last 20 years in Mexico, there is still an important public health problem. […]

Smog in México DF


ENVIRONMENT-MEXICO: Green Plan to Cut Smog . IPS, Aug.30, 2007.The Mexico City government announced new environmental measures Thursday aimed at further restricting traffic, the main culprit for the city’s notorious smog. The plan is also to streamline the city’s chaotic traffic, in the face of warnings from experts of a total collapse of the system […]

Experience on lactrodectus in Sonora


Norberto Sotelo, Internal Medicine Head. Infantile Hospital of the State of Sonora, Mexico. I had opportunity to see by Internet the presentation about  “Experience of SERTOX in spider envenenomation”  (Juan Carlos Piola) in Peru,  in July 2007. I observed with approval that included an appointment ours (Blak widow spider envenomation in children), Rev Mex Pediatr […]

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