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Portal latinoamericano de toxicología

Country: Ecuador

Blood pressure after a heightened pesticide spray period among children living in Ecuador, study


Hypertension found in children exposed to flower pesticides. sciencedaily.com. May 22, 2019. Summary: Researchers have found higher blood pressure and pesticide exposures in children associated with a heightened pesticide spraying period around the Mother’s Day flower harvest. This study involved boys and girls living near flower crops in Ecuador. Flor de solanum, cerca de Cuenca, […]

Galápagos: Darwin’s finches combat introduced nest parasites with fumigated cotton


With ‘self-fumigation,’ Darwin’s finches combat deadly parasitic flies. eurekalert.org. May 05, 2014. Researchers have found a way to protect threatened Darwin’s finches on the Galápagos Islands from deadly parasitic nest flies in a manner that’s as simple as it is ingenious: by offering the birds insecticide-treated cotton for incorporation into their nests. The study, reported […]

Social, health, and genetic aspects of the people affected by glyphosate in Ecuadorian border


Baseline determination in social, health, and genetic areas in communities affected by glyphosate aerial spraying on the northeastern Ecuadorian border. César Paz-y-Miño, María José Muñoz, Adolfo Maldonado, Carolina Valladares, Nadia Cumbal, Catalina Herrera, Paulo Robles, María Eugenia Sánchez and Andrés López-Cortés. Reviews on Environmental Health 2011 26:1 , 45-51. Abstract: The northeastern Ecuadorian border has […]

Report about drug consumption in 6 countries in South America


Closer to home – drug use in six Latin American countries in focus. UNODC and CICAD-OEA present first comparative study on drug consumption in 6 countries in South America.26 June 2008 – Argentina, Chile and Uruguay are the countries with the greatest use of illicit drugs, Bolivia appears to be in an intermediate situation, and […]

From Cuenca, Ecuador


Ruth Rosas Castro, Prof. Chief T. P., Faculty of Chemical Sciences, Cuenca, Ecuador. This is to send to you my greetings and congratulations for your bulletin, to which I’m subscribed: I consider it’s a tool to enrich and to strength the professional knowledge of us all. I’m very interested in knowing the technique used for […]

From Guayaquil, Ecuador


Jorge Gaibor. CITOX,  Guayaquil- Ecuador. 05/01/08.  Do receive our best wishes. We have a 24 hr service since September 1st 2007. We have a good communitarian reception and now we are spreading out our telephone number. Belonging to the ER of a hospital, we admit about 60 intoxicated patients monthly. We always have news: the […]

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