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Portal latinoamericano de toxicología


Mercury trade in Indonesia, a business intertwined with the lucrative and illegal production of gold


The hidden cost of gold: Birth defects and brain damage. By Richard C. Paddock. nytimes.com. November 09, 2019. Thousands of children with crippling birth defects. Half a million people poisoned. A toxic chemical found in the food supply. Accusations of a government cover-up and police officers on the take. La balsa en el Museo del […]

Lead chromate pigments added to turmeric threaten public health across Bangladesh, study


Neurotoxin lead sometimes added to turmeric for brighter color. sciencedaily.com. September 24, 2019- Summary: Some spice processors in Bangladesh use an industrial lead chromate pigment to imbue turmeric with a bright yellow color prized for curries and other traditional dishes, elevating blood lead levels in Bangladeshis. Curcuma en polvo (Sertox) It’s billed as a health […]

Dermatological progression of a probable box jellyfish sting


Unique report details dermatological progression and effective treatment of a severe jellyfish sting. sciencedaily.com, September 5, 2019. Summary: A detailed case report documents the dermatological progression of a patient stung by a jellyfish off the coast of Cambodia. The aim of this report is to guide clinicians and patients to understand what to expect after […]

Chemical residue evidence from the first millennium BCE in the Pamirs & the origins of cannabis use


Origins of cannabis smoking. Evidence from ancient burials at high elevations. sciencedaily.com. June 12, 2019. Summary: A chemical residue study of incense burners from ancient burials at high elevations in western China has revealed psychoactive cannabinoids. The finding provides some of the earliest evidence for the use of cannabis for its psychoactive compounds. Cannabis, tan […]

Conventional and genetic evidence on alcohol and vascular disease aetiology, study


Even low alcohol consumption is bad news for strokes – study. theguardian.com. April 05, 2019. Moderate drinking of one or two glasses a day does not protect against stroke, say researchers. A low level of alcohol consumption does not protect against stroke, new research suggests, in the latest blow to the idea that a few […]

Long-term fate of Agent Orange and dioxin TCDD contaminated soils and sediments in Vietnam hotspots


Toxic byproducts of Agent Orange continue to pollute Vietnam environment, study says. eurekalert.org. February 27, 2019. During the Vietnam War, United States aircraft sprayed more than 20 million gallons of herbicides, including dioxin-contaminated Agent Orange, on the country’s rain forests, wetlands, and croplands. Agent Orange defoliated the thick jungle vegetation concealing Viet Cong fighters and destroyed […]

An update about health problems that may be linked to exposure to Agent Orange


Vietnam veterans and agent orange exposure — new report. eurekalert.org. November 15, 2018. The committee that carried out the study and wrote the report, Veterans and Agent Orange: Update 11 (2018), focused on the scientific literature published between Sept. 30, 2014, and Dec. 31, 2017. Hypertension Upgraded in Latest Biennial Review of Research on Health […]

The South Asian monsoon—Pollution pump and purifier, study


Two-faced South Asian monsoons both propagate and purify pollution in the air. eurekalert.org. June 14, 2018. An airborne research campaign exploring the "self-cleaning capacity" of the atmosphere has revealed summer monsoons in South Asia may both purify the air of some pollutants but disperse others. Fechas de comienzo y corrientes de viento principales en los […]

Deep learning improves prediction of drug–drug and drug–food interactions, research


Deep learning predicts drug-drug and drug-food interactions. sciencedaily.com. April 18, 2018. Development of a deep learning-based computational framework that predicts interactions for drug-drug or drug-food constituent pairs. Summary: Scientists have developed a computational framework, DeepDDI, that accurately predicts and generates 86 types of drug-drug and drug-food interactions as outputs of human-readable sentences, which allows in-depth […]

Grey mangrove trees, Avicennia marina, filter heavy metals out of the surrounding soil and water


Mangroves vital for environmental decontamination. sciencedaily.com. August 03, 2017. Mangrove trees, particularly their leaf litter, filter copper out of soil and water in Indonesia.Grey mangrove trees, Avicennia marina, filter heavy metals out of the surrounding soil and water. A new study from Indonesia has found that their leaf litter accumulates the most copper, followed by […]

Illness that killed many children in Bihar, India was caused by eating lychees on an empty stomach


Indian children died after ‘eating lychees on empty stomach’. bbcnews. February 01, 2017.S and Indian scientists say a mystery illness that killed more than 100 children a year in northern India was caused by eating lychees on an empty stomach.For more than two decades, apparently healthy children in a region of Bihar suffered sudden seizures […]

The Hiroshima/Nagasaki survivor studies: discrepancies between results and general perception


Long-term health effects of Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombs not as dire as perceived. eurekalert.org. August 11, 2016. Article highlights mismatch between public perception and decades of research on nearly 200,000 survivors and their children. The detonation of atomic bombs over the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945 resulted in horrific casualties […]

Trivia # 332: hoopoe


Toxicological trivia from May 13, 2016: the hoopoe (Upupa epops) is a colourful bird found across Afro-Eurasia, notable for its distinctive "crown" of feathers. It is the only extant species in the family Upupidae. Like the Latin name upupa, the English name is an onomatopoeic form which imitates the cry of the bird. The hoopoe […]

Trivia # 329: Hydrangea


Toxicological trivia from April 22, 2016: Hydrangea (common names hydrangea or hortensia) is a genus of 70–75 species of flowering plants native to southern and eastern Asia (China, Japan, Korea, the Himalayas, and Indonesia) and the Americas. In most species the flowers are white, but in some species (notably H. macrophylla), can be blue, red, […]

Clusters of antibiotic resistance genes enriched together stay together in swine agriculture, study


Antibiotic resistance genes increasing. sciencedaily.com. April 12, 2016.Summary: Around the world, antibiotic use and resistance is increasing while the discovery of new antibiotics has nearly halted. This troubling trend is exacerbated by concentrated animal feeding operations. Results from the study show that in large swine farms where antibiotics are used continuously in feed for growth […]

Quantitative and structural analyses of hazardous elements in Chinese medicines and herbs


Chinese traditional medicines: Do you know what you are buying?.sciencedaily.com. March 23, 2016. Summary: Chinese medicines are manufactured and distributed all over the world. Many people perceive them as natural, even benign and with few side effects, but regulation of human medicines fluctuates widely in different countries. Are they really as safe as we think? […]

The latest and final reviews of the evidence of health problems linked to exposure to Agent Orange


Final review of health problems that may be linked to Agent Orange exposure during Vietnam War. sciencedaily.com. March 10, 2016. Summary: The latest and final in a series of congressionally mandated biennial reviews of the evidence of health problems that may be linked to exposure to Agent Orange and other herbicides used during the Vietnam War […]

Secondhand smoke and incidence of dental caries in deciduous teeth among children in Japan, study


Secondhand Smoke in Infancy May Harm Kids’ Teeth. nlm.nih.gov. October 22, 2015. Exposure increased risk of cavities, researchers report. Want your baby to grow into a tot with a cavity-free smile? Don’t smoke when he or she is around.  Children exposed to secondhand smoke at 4 months of age may be at risk for tooth […]

Reduced carbon emission estimates from fossil fuel combustion and cement production in China, study


China’s carbon emissions were less than previously thought, new estimates show. sciencedaily.com. August 19, 2015. Summary:China’s carbon emissions have been substantially over estimated by international agencies for more than 10 years, according to research. A research team re-evaluated emissions from the burning of fossil fuels and cement production from 1950-2013. They used independently assessed activity […]

Risk of intracranial haemorrhage in antidepressant users with concurrent use of NSAIDs, study


Antidepressant, Painkiller Combo May Raise Risk of Brain Bleed. nlm.nih.gov. July 15, 2015. Be cautious about taking both together, researcher says. Taking both an antidepressant and a painkiller such as ibuprofen or naproxen may increase risk of a brain hemorrhage, a new study suggests. Korean researchers found that of more than 4 million people prescribed […]

Trivia # 291: Malabar tamarind Extract


Toxicological trivia from July 01, 2015: Derived from tamarind and a component in Asian cooking for centuries, garcinia cambogia extract blocks fat and represses appetite.The herbal product is extracted from the dried fruit rind of garcinia cambogia, also known as Malabar tamarind, which is a source of hydroxycitric acid (HCA).This article was recently uploaded to […]

Twenty million dogs are brutally killed every year, including poisoning


WSPA – Collars Not Cruelty. World Animal Protection US. September 07, 2011.Twenty million dogs are brutally killed every year. That’s 38 every minute. They die in horrific ways including poisoning, beating and electrocution. The video shown here contains disturbing images of this cruelty, but the real tragedy is that killing dogs doesn’t stop the spread […]

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