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Portal latinoamericano de toxicología

Animales intoxicados ENGLISH

Exposure levels of rodenticides in avian apex predators from Germany


Rodenticides in the environment pose threats to birds of prey. eurekalert.org. March 23, 2021.Over the past decades, the increased use of chemicals in many areas led to environmental pollution – of water, soil and also wildlife. In addition to plant protection substances and human and veterinary medical drugs, rodenticides have had toxic effects on wildlife. […]

Sodium nitrite is being tested to poison feral pigs by USDA-US: a good idea?


Sodium nitrite that’s used to kill wild pigs also cures bacon, jerky, hot dogs.examiner.com. June 22, 2014. The chemical used to cure bacon, beef jerky, some hot dogs, and various types of deli meats, sodium nitrite, has been approved as a poison to use to dispatch wild pigs that eat food from people’s yards and […]

The poison is killing target animals such as eagles, fishers, coyotes, wolverines and grizzly bears


Trappers urge halt to poisoning of wolves. By Ed Struzik. edmontonjournal.com. February 28, 2012. One of the province’s largest trap-ping associations has joined a growing chorus of individuals and organizations calling on the province to stop poisoning wolves in an attempt to save caribou in the Little Smoky region. "While we believe that wolf populations […]

The poison is killing target animals such as eagles, fishers, coyotes, wolverines and grizzly bears


Trappers urge halt to poisoning of wolves. By Ed Struzik. edmontonjournal.com. February 28, 2012. One of the province’s largest trap-ping associations has joined a growing chorus of individuals and organizations calling on the province to stop poisoning wolves in an attempt to save caribou in the Little Smoky region. "While we believe that wolf populations […]

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