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Portal latinoamericano de toxicología

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Occurrence and fate of pesticides in the Argentine stretch of the Paraguay-Paraná basin, study


Occurrence and fate of pesticides in the Argentine stretch of the Paraguay-Paraná basin.Environ Monit Assess. 2017 Feb;189(2):63. doi: 10.1007/s10661-017-5773-1. Epub 2017 Jan 19. Abstract: The Argentine stretch of the del Plata basin crosses regions devoted to extensive and intensive agriculture mostly with chemical pest control. The utilization of pesticides in the region has increased 900% […]

Trivia # 360: Jaborosa


Toxicological trivia from November 26, 2016: Jaborosa is a genus of flowering plants in the family Solanaceae, the nightshades. There are about 23 species,all native to South America, where they are distributed from Peru to Patagonia. Most occur in the Andes. Most can be found in Argentina and ten are endemic to the country.Jaborosa integrifolia […]

Trivia # 333: Camoati in basket bug control


Toxicological Trivia from May 20, 2016: In our previous trivia (332, Hoopoe), we mentioned the basket bug  (Oiketicus kirbyi), an insect belonging to the order Lepidoptera (butterflies and moths), Psychidae family, subfamily Oiketicinae .The species is distributed in the Americas from Argentina to Mexico, including Caribbean islands. According to a newspaper article in the Alto […]

Trivia # 328: amancay


Toxicological Trivia from April 15, 2016: The amancay (Hieronymiella aurea) is a beautiful plant bright yellow lining in a section of the Cardones National Park. As adaptation to dryness, amancay remains invisible most of the year. After January poor rains, the ground is covered with thousands of green leaves with yellow flowers that contrast with […]

Trivia # 327: clouds


Toxicological trivia from April 08, 2016: The image we use in this trivia was to illustrate the following news:a) Toxic cloud in Buenos Aires dissipated faster than the doubts that were floating;b) Clouds of smoke invaded Singapore, for fires in neighboring Indonesia to open plantations;c) Both previous assertions are correct. Nubes de dudas (Sertox) Correct […]

Trivia # 326: Aristolochia Argentina


Toxicological trivia from April 02, 2016: Aristolochia Argentina Griseb. Common names in Spanish: Charrua, Buche de pavo, Patito, Flor de patito, Mil hombres, Charrúa, Charruga, Jarinha, Ipé-mi, e Isipó. It is a  rhizomatous perennial vine; kidney-shaped leaves with 5 main veins. Showy flowers form buche, a curved tube and swollen at the base and open […]

Trivia # 325: Sacha guasca


Toxicological trivia from March 25, 2016: Dolichandra cynanchoides.  Common names in Spanish: Sacha guasca or Sacha huasca. This attractive woody climber bears fragrant trusses of tubular, orange-red flowers all summer long, which ripen into elongated, flat, brown, woody, pods holding numerous seeds. It is decorated with leathery, glabrous, evergreen, dark green, opposite leaves. Pollination in […]

Trivial # 324: the prefix sacha


Toxicological Trivia from March 18, 2016: prefix Quechua Sacha. Regionally Spanish language more than fifty similar constructions Quichua sacha noun followed by a noun Spanish or Quichua used mean monte (mountain). Generally it is names of plants or animals that are classified as species or wild mountain, as opposed to’de Castilla species’. At other times […]

Trivia # 323 : Hypericum II


Toxicological trivia from March 11, 2016: in our previous trivia (322) we write  about Hypericum perforatum L. (Clusiaceae) plant native to Asia, Europe and Africa.  Although Hypericum perforatum is grown commercially in some regions of south east Europe, it is listed as a noxious weed in more than twenty countries and has introduced populations in […]

Trivia # 312: contaminated penguins


Toxicological trivia from December 03, 2015: In the trivia # 261 was mentioned that an oil spill caused thousands of dead of penguins at Punta Virgin, in the Strait of Magellan. Another article in Spanish from November 2012 titled; "Bioaccumulation and biomagnification of cadmium and selenium: Antarctic penguins potential toxicity" is this thesis  that have […]

Trivia # 310: hoverflies


Toxicological Trivia from November 20, 2015: In a recent article we talk about the "Batesian mimicry of a sirphid in Patagonia" (See in Spanish), a fly that imitates a bumblebee’. Hoverflies, sometimes called flower flies, sweat bees or syrphid flies, make up the insect family Syrphidae. As their common name suggests, they are often seen […]

Trivia # 308: in the estuary of Bahia Blanca, heavy metals …


Toxicological Trivia of October 28, 2015: An estuary is a partly enclosed coastal body of brackish water with one or more rivers or streams flowing into it, and with a free connection to the open sea.[ Estuaries form a transition zone between river environments and maritime environments. They are subject both to marine influences—such as […]

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