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Trivia # 293: Spider webs

15 July, 2015
Toxicological trivia from july 15, 2015: More than 50,000 species of spiders, of which about 800 are found in Argentina are known. Most of them go unnoticed by the man for its small size and customs; but sometimes they are notable for their webs. Of the following statements …Spider webs fiber is stronger than steel.It comprises protein strands, woven together.Intertwined areas do not provide great flexibility…. how many are correct:a) One;b) Two;c) Three.
Trivia # 293: Spider webs
Correct answer: c. See article in Spanish ‘Animation of a spider building its web’; the associated undernote: The spider web no longer has secrets for science.  ‘Animación de una araña construyendo su tela’;  la subnota asociada: La tela de araña ya no tiene secretos para la ciencia 
tela de araña
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