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Portal latinoamericano de toxicología

Trivia # 353: Vicia

26 September, 2016
Toxicological trivia from September 26, 2016: Vicia is a genus of about 140 species of flowering plants commonly known as vetches. It is in the legume family (Fabaceae). Member species are native to Europe, North America, South America, Asia and Africa. Bitter vetch (V. ervilia) was one of the first domesticated crops. Toxicity:a)  The vetches grown as forage are generally toxic to non-ruminants (such as humans), at least if eaten in quantity. Cattle and horses have been poisoned by V. villosa and V. benghalensis, two species that contain canavanine in their seeds; b)  The Spanish pulse mix comuña contains common vetch and bitter vetch in addition to vetchling (Lathyrus cicera) seeds; it can be fed in small quantities to ruminants, but its use as a staple food will cause lathyrism even in these animals; c)  Both previous assertions are correct.

Trivia # 353: Vicia
Vicia con flores
Correct answer: c. Read more in WP. 
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