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Trivia # 350: Cortaderia selloana

26 August, 2016
Toxicological trivia from August 26, 2016; Cortaderia selloana, commonly known as pampas grass, is a flowering plant native to southern South America, including the Pampas region after which it is named. It is a tall grass, growing in dense tussocks that can reach a height of 3 meters. The leaves are long and slender  with very sharp edges. The leaves are usually bluish-green, but can be silvery grey. The flowers are produced in a dense white panicle 20–40 cm long on a 2–3 m tall stem. Pampas grass is highly adaptable and can grow in a wide range of environments and climates.a) The plant was introduced to Europe, North America, and Australia as an ornamental grass, and, to a lesser extent, to provide food for grazing animals;b) The feathery flower head plumes, when dried, are widely used in flower arrangements and other ornamental displays;c) Both previous statements are correct. 
Trivia # 350: Cortaderia selloana
Cortaderas en San Luis
Correct answer: c. Read more in WP
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