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Trivia # 332: hoopoe

13 May, 2016
Toxicological trivia from May 13, 2016: the hoopoe (Upupa epops) is a colourful bird found across Afro-Eurasia, notable for its distinctive "crown" of feathers. It is the only extant species in the family Upupidae. Like the Latin name upupa, the English name is an onomatopoeic form which imitates the cry of the bird. The hoopoe is the national bird of Israel.The diet of the hoopoe is mostly composed of insects, although small reptiles, frogs and plant matter such as seeds and berries are sometimes taken as well. It is a solitary forager which typically feeds on the ground. It is a natural predator of:a) The pine processionary (Thaumetopoea pityocampa);b) The basket bug bug (Oiketicus kirbyi);c)  Both previous answers are correct.
Trivia # 332:  hoopoe
Una abubilla en el Mensegal
Correcta answer: a. Read more en WP. Oiketicus kirbyi is found in lowlands from Argentina to Mexico and on the Caribbean islands.
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