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Trivia # 326: Aristolochia Argentina

3 April, 2016
Toxicological trivia from April 02, 2016: Aristolochia Argentina Griseb. Common names in Spanish: Charrua, Buche de pavo, Patito, Flor de patito, Mil hombres, Charrúa, Charruga, Jarinha, Ipé-mi, e Isipó. It is a  rhizomatous perennial vine; kidney-shaped leaves with 5 main veins. Showy flowers form buche, a curved tube and swollen at the base and open at the end where folds like a capful closing it. This native vine has flowers that attract mainly scuttle fly pollinators of the genus Megaselia (Phoridae). The trap-like perianth is formed by a limb, a tube, and a basal utricle. The limb produces an odor that recalls decaying plant tissues, which apparently mimics the natural oviposition substrate of the flies.  The insects stay entrapped inside the utricle for approximately 24 h, making contact with the sexual organs of the flower. When released, they can become captured again in other flowers. The mechanisms of herkogamy and protogyny are efficient. In home pharmacopoeia:a) The roots are used in infusion, for its antiseptic, diaphoretic, diuretic, emmenagogue and especially to combat sexually transmitted diseases;b) With hot fat roots and very suitable ointment to soothe rheumatic pains and crushed wedges are used for weakness and muscle tremors is prepared;c) Both previous assertions are correct.
Trivia # 326: Aristolochia Argentina
Aristolochia argentina
Correcta answer: c.
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