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Portal latinoamericano de toxicología

Trivia # 318: Keeping the Artist Safe

29 January, 2016
Toxicological trivia from January 2016; We published in 2007, a new web page that addresses the hazards of arts and crafts materials has been added to the National Library of Medicine (NLM) .Enviro-Health Links."Keeping the Artist Safe: Hazards of Arts and Crafts Materials" Artists, craftspeople, and hobbyists use potentially hazardous substances. Learn more about the hazards and how to protect yourself  from unnecessary exposures. This pages is:a) Only available in English;b) Also available in Spanish;c) Discontinued. 
Trivia # 318: Keeping the Artist Safe
Paleta de colores
Correct answer: a. Read more in: Keeping the Artist Safe
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