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Trivia # 305: Epicrates cenchria

7 October, 2015
Toxicological trivia from 07/10/15: Epicrates cenchria is a boa species endemic to Central and South America. Common names include the rainbow boa,and slender boa. A terrestrial species, it is known for its attractive iridescent sheen caused by structural coloration. Nine subspecies are currently recognized, like  E. crassus, E. cenchria, E. maurus, E. assisi, y E. alvarezi. The copy of the photo is:a) E. crassus:b) E. cenchria; c)  E. alvarezi.

Trivia # 305: Epicrates cenchria
Boa arco iris
Correct answer: c. Read more in WP and Spanish page:  Boa arco iris (Epicrates cenchria) 
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