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Trivia # 297: vicugna

13 August, 2015
Toxicological Trivia from August 13, 2015: The vicuña (Vicugna vicugna) or vicugna is one of two wild South American camelids which live in the high alpine areas of the Andes, the other being the guanaco. In a Nature Reserve numerous major mining projects are made, regardless of who are in a protected area (Read in Spanish page: Megaminería y el rol del Estado). It is mentioned, that the site of greatest concentration of vicuña (Vicugna vicugna), in our country, since 1981 part of the Network of Biosphere Reserves of UNESCO, is:a) The Biosphere Reserve "San Guillermo";b) The Biosphere Reserve "White Lagoon";c) None of the previous statements is correct.
Trivia # 297: vicugna
Una vicuña
Correct Answer: a. Read more on Spanish ar5ticle: De Ana Digón sobre Minería en San Juan

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