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Trivia # 292: pyrethroids in dolphins

8 July, 2015
Toxicological Trivia from July 08, 2015: in August 2012  an article published in the journal Environment International, by Damià Barceló and other authors, which considers "surprising" finding of pyrethroid insecticides  in dolphins, and also is discussed accumulation of these contaminants. The highest concentrations were found in the offspring of these mammals, which is considered unprepared to metabolize these compounds. Analyses were performed after locating samples dolphins stranded on beaches or trapped in fishing nets of:a) Argentina;b) Brazil;c) Colombia.
Trivia # 292: pyrethroids in dolphins
Delfín nadando panza arriba
Correct answer: b. Read more in Spanish article: Sorprendente hallazgo de insecticidas piretroides en delfines de Brasil
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