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Trivia # 276: Dieffenbachia

11 March, 2015
Toxicological Trivia from March 11, 2015: Dieffenbachia is a genus of tropical flowering plants in the family Araceae. It is native to the New World Tropics from Mexico and the West Indies south to Argentina. It is widely cultivated as an ornamental, especially as a house plant, and has become naturalized on a few tropical islands. Dieffenbachia is a perennial herbaceous plant with straight stem, simple and alternate leaves containing white spots and flecks, making it attractive as indoor foliage. Species in this genus are popular as houseplants because of their tolerance of shade. The common name, "dumb cane" refers to the poisoning effect of raphides. It is also known as the "Mother-in-law" plant. In Sertox,  family Araceae among which include the dieffenbachia (Diffenbachia spp) and the potus (Scindapsus aurus),  are:a) The first cause of poisoning plants;b) The second cause of poisoning plants;c) The third cause of poisoning plants.
Trivia # 276: Dieffenbachia
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