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Trivia # 261: Penguins

27 November, 2014
Toxicological Trivia from November 27, 2014: Oil spills, climate change and chronic pollution are the major causes of death of these seabirds. (Read in Spanish: "The penguins are endangered" special from eldia.com.ar). In our article on "Environmental Liabilities of Repsol in the Neuquen basin for contaminating drinking water" mentioned that the UTE Sipetro / YPF in the  Estrecho de Magallanes,  produced an oil spill that hit the seabed, fish fauna and caused thousands of dead penguins on:a) Punta Vírgenes; b) Punta Dungeness;c) The Cape of San Isidro.
Trivia # 261: Penguins
Pingüinos magallánicos
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