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Trivia # 259: Japanese mercury poisoning from eating dolphins and whales

12 November, 2014
Toxicological trivia from November 12, 2014: The people of Japanese dolphin-hunting village depicted in the Oscar-winning documentary "The Cove" have dangerously high mercury levels, probably because of their consumption of whale and dolphin meat. Mercury levels above the national average but subsequent analysis showed no negative consequences, says the National Institute for Minamata Disease. The study involved residents from:a) Taiji;b) Minamata;c) Both previous statements are correct.
Trivia # 259: Japanese mercury poisoning from eating dolphins and whales
Ballena franca austral
Correct answer: a. The dolphins are captured and slaughtered just off the southern Japanese fishing village of Taiji. Read more in: We need also….dolphins and  WP.
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