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Portal latinoamericano de toxicología

Trivia # 257: Elaphe I

29 October, 2014
ToxicologicaL trivia from October 29, 2014: Elaphe is one of the main genera of the rat snakes, which are found in many regions of the northern hemisphere. Elaphe are medium to large constrictors by nature. All species are nonvenomous. Although all of the species in Elaphe are nonvenomous, bites from rat snakes are still irritably painful and can potentially cause bacterial infections due to the saliva.The image belongs to: a) E. guttata, or the corn snake; b) E. obsoleta or  western rat snake; c) E. rossalleni or everglades snake.
Trivia # 257: Elaphe I
Elaphe …
Correct answer: a. Read more in Spanish page: Elaphe.
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