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Trivia # 244: Scorpaena scrofa

10 July, 2014
Toxicological trivia from July 10, 2014: Scorpaena scrofa is the largest eastern Atlantic scorpion fish.Colouration ranges from brick-red to a light pink, and it has dark coloured blotches on its body. It has venomous spines, can achieve a maximum weight of approximately 3 kilograms (6.6 lb).It can grow to a maximum length of 50 centimetres (20 in), but is commonly around 30 cm (12 in).It has 12 dorsal spines, 9 dorsal soft rays, 3 anal spines, and 5 soft rays. It often has a dark spot on its spinous dorsal spines between the 6th and 11th. It has long supraorbital tentacles. Common name are:a) The red scorpionfish;b) Bigscale scorpionfish, or large-scaled scorpion fish; c)  Both previous assertions are correct.
Trivia # 244: Scorpaena scrofa
Scorpaena scrofa
Correct answer: c. Read more in WP.
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