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Trivia # 231: Donkeys and antivenoms in Inlasa of Bolivia

9 April, 2014
Toxicological trivia from March 09, 2014: "the General"  is one between 20 donkeys working in the Inlasa ( National Institute of Health Laboratories ) in La Paz. .But Clinton remains  the oldest and the more spoiled. They have saved thousands of people who have been bitten by snakes. "Snake venom is extracted, it is injected to produce antibodies in donkeys, the animal then bleeds into the jugular and the plasma is separated so that the donkey does not become anemic and it was re-injected. Antibodies are in the form of serum , that requires a chemical process to obtain a pure solution of immunoglobulins". The process of precipitation , dialysis and filtration until a nearly pure solution, take  approximately:a) 7 days;b ) 15 days;c ) 30 days.
Trivia # 231: Donkeys and antivenoms in Inlasa of Bolivia
Un burro y la fabricación de antivenenos
Correct answer: b . More information in the article in Spanish: Antivenoms from National Institute of Health Laboratories , La Paz, Bolivia
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