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Trivia # 228: common names of Caesalpinia gilliesii

19 March, 2014
Toxicological  trivia from March 19, 2014: In our paper entitled  "Adaptación para la atención primaria de salud de una clasificación de plantas tóxicas" ("Adapting to primary health care rated toxic plants") in Group 2 (Plants that produce diarrhea and may be associated with emesis) figure Caesalpinia gilliesii, with the common name in Spanish "Lagaña de perro".Caesalpinia gilliesii is a shrub in the legume family. t is a striking ornamental plant native to tropical America, mainly Argentina and Uruguay. It is naturalised in Texas, and fairly common in the rest of the southwestern United States, where it is known as: a) Bird of paradise bush;b) Desert bird of paradise or yellow bird of paradise;c) All previous names are correct.
Trivia # 228: common names of Caesalpinia gilliesii
Caesalpinia gilliesii o …
Correct answer: c. Read more in WP. 
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