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Portal latinoamericano de toxicología

Trivia # 168: deadly poison to Georgi Markov

9 June, 2010
Toxicological Trivia from June 09, 2010: In September 7, 1978, while he was waiting for a bus on a sidewalk in London, Bulgarian dissident writer Georgi Markov felt a twinge in his leg. A few hours later he had fever and went into the hospital. After three days died. Medical examiners found in his leg with a small sphere of metal debris:
a) Ricin;
b) Bacillus anthracis;
c) Ciguatoxine.
Trivia # 168: deadly poison to Georgi Markov
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Correct Answer a. Read more in Spanish news: Future x 2 (Alzogaray) in respect of Article: Arrows, crime and castigos.Toxicology: the ambiguous nature of poisons.
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