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Better analgesic effect of crotoxin by encapsulating it in nanostructured silica, study


Novel formulation permits use of toxin from rattlesnake venom to treat chronic pain. eurekalert.org. February 14, 2020. Researchers Butantan Institute succeeded in reducing the toxicity and potentiating the analgesic effect of crotoxin by encapsulating it in nanostructured silica — the results of tests in an animal model of neuropathic pain are promising. CAPTION Crotoxin, extracted […]

Tropical snake diversity collapses after widespread amphibian loss, study


Disappearing snakes and the biodiversity crisis. sciencedaily.com. February 13, 2020. Summary: A new study should sound alarm bells regarding the ‘biodiversity crisis’ or the loss of wildlife around the world. Tropical snake (eyelash viper) (stock image). Credit: © ondrejprosicky / Adobe Stock A Michigan State University- and University of Maryland-led study should sound alarm bells regarding […]

Bothrops venoms revealed as molecular signatures that contribute to venom phenotype, study


How just drops of viper venom pack a deadly punch. eurekalert.org. June 01, 2018. A bite from a lancehead snake can be fatal. Species in the family, found throughout Central and South America, have venom that can disrupt blood clotting and cause hemorrhage, strokes and kidney failure.CAPTIONResearchers studying venom from Bothrops jararaca (shown) and related […]

A new subspecies of sea snake, Hydrophis platurus xanthos, from Golfo Dulce, Costa Rica


The new yellow sea snake assumes an unusual ambush posture. eurekalert.org. July 31, 2017. Carrying its petite frame and all-yellow skin, the recently scrutinized sea snake populations from Golfo Dulce, Costa Rica, already seem different enough to be characterized as a new subspecies. However, their most extraordinary trait is only exposed at night when the […]

An article about the sexual relations of snakes


Snake sex is every bit as peculiar as you would expect. By Sandrine Ceurstemont. bbcnews. June 09, 2017. We used to assume that male snakes were in charge and females were largely passive, but that has proved to be spectacularly wrong.When Jesús Rivas removed a female anaconda from a snake orgy in order to examine […]

Hazards and risks linked with exotic pets: medical calculators for exotic animal bites and diseases


5 Medical Calculators for Exotic Animal Bites and Risk. By  John Svirbely. blog.medicalalgorithms.com. Some people are drawn to the exotic or esoteric, including their choice of pets. Exotic pets have become widespread in the United States and many other countries. While a source of enjoyment for the owners, these pets can cause serious problems and present […]

The illegal snake trade could put wildlife, the environment and human lives at risk, study


Snake black market poses risk to humans and wildlife. sciencedaily.com. November 17, 2016. Summary: The illegal reptile trade, including venomous snakes, could put wildlife, the environment and human lives at risk, a new study has found.The illegal reptile trade, including venomous snakes, could put wildlife, the environment and human lives at risk, a new study […]

More than 1,300 US kids suffer snakebites each year on average


Snakebites a Rising Danger for U.S. Children. medlineplus.gov.  October 20, 2016. Florida, Texas account for one-quarter of nation’s attacks, study finds.More than 1,300 U.S. kids suffer snakebites each year on average, with one in four attacks occurring in Florida and Texas, a new study reveals.All 50 states and Washington, D.C., reported snakebites to children between […]

Visual pigments, ocular filters and the evolution of snake vision, study


Snake eyes: New insights into visual adaptations. sciencedaily.com.  August 16, 2016. Summary:New insights into the relationship between ultraviolet (UV) filters and hunting methods in snakes is one of the findings of the first major study of visual pigment genes and lenses in snakes.Tree viper / Atheris squamigera.Credit: © mgkuijpers / FotoliaSnakes have adapted their vision […]

A report shows that snakebites are more likely to occur by surprise in natural conditions


Analysis of media reporting reveals new information about snakebites and how and when they occur. eurekalert.org. June 23, 2016. A report in Wilderness & Environmental Medicine shows that snakebites are more likely to occur by surprise in natural conditions than from the intentional handling of snakes. The majority of snakebites are often perceived as being "illegitimate," […]

Historical contingency in a multigene family facilitates adaptive evolution of toxin resistance


One snake’s prey is another’s poison: Scientists pinpoint genetics of extreme resistance.sciencedaily.com. June 09, 2016. Summary:Scientists have found that the ancestors of garter snakes gained toxin-resistant nerves almost 40 million years ago.A select group of garter snakes can thank their ancestors for the ability to chow down on a poisonous newt and live to tell […]

Evolutionary biology tells us why venom is useful for snakes, but chemistry tells us how it works


The chem-hiss-try of snake venom (video). eurekalert.org. April 19, 2016.  We know poisonous snakes are dangerous, but what exactly makes venom so powerful? Evolutionary biology tells us why venom is useful for snakes, but chemistry tells us how venom works. This week, Reactions sheds some light on the proteins in venom, as well as its […]

Discovered a never-before-seen evolutionary adaptation that allows snakes to reduce friction


The slippery secret of snakes.sciencedaily.com. October 20, 2015.  Summary: A shed skin of the California King Snake, examined in molecular detail by a team of researchers in Oregon and Germany, may have just yielded one of the reptile’s slippery secrets. Using a combination of techniques that allowed the team to explore how molecules are arranged […]

Trivia # 305: Epicrates cenchria


Toxicological trivia from 07/10/15: Epicrates cenchria is a boa species endemic to Central and South America. Common names include the rainbow boa,and slender boa. A terrestrial species, it is known for its attractive iridescent sheen caused by structural coloration. Nine subspecies are currently recognized, like  E. crassus, E. cenchria, E. maurus, E. assisi, y E. […]

Trivia # 302: Spilotes pullatus


Toxicological trivia from September 16, 2015:  Spilotes pullatus, commonly known as the caninana,chicken snake, yellow rat snake, or serpiente tigre, is a species of large nonvenomous colubrid snake endemic to Mesoamerica. It is found in southern Central America, northern South America, and Trinidad and Tobago.It tends to inhabit forested areas, and is often found near […]

How a boa constrictor squeezes its prey to death


Myth Debunked: Boa Constrictors Don’t Suffocate Prey to Death. By Laura Geggel. livescience.com. July 22, 2015.Boa constrictors are notorious for their deadly grip, squeezing their next meal until it expires. But scientists have long wondered whether this fatal hug kills prey by suffocation or by obstructing blood flow in the snake’s victims. Now, a new […]

A toxin from coral snake venom potently modulate GABAA receptor activity, study


Coral snake venom reveals a unique route to lethality.sciencedaily.com. February 9, 2015. Summary: For more than a decade, a vial of rare snake venom refused to give up its secret formula for lethality; its toxins had no effect on the proteins that most venoms target. Finally, an international team of researchers figured out its recipe: […]

A test identified the species of snake if snake DNA could be isolated from the bite wound


Forensic DNA test conclusively links snake bite marks on people to species. sciencedaily.com. November 04, 2014.Summary:Starting with a simple DNA swab taken from fang marks on people bitten by snakes, an international research team correctly identified the species of the biting snake 100 percent of the time in a first-of-its-kind clinical study.  Starting with a […]

Trivia # 257: Elaphe I


ToxicologicaL trivia from October 29, 2014: Elaphe is one of the main genera of the rat snakes, which are found in many regions of the northern hemisphere. Elaphe are medium to large constrictors by nature. All species are nonvenomous. Although all of the species in Elaphe are nonvenomous, bites from rat snakes are still irritably […]

Trivia # 256: Philodryas baroni


Toxicological trivia from October 22, 2014: Philodryas baroni, common name Baron’s green racer, is a species of colubrid snake. The Latin name baroni honors Manuel Barón Morlat, who collected the first specimens.Philodryas baroni can reach a total length of about 150–180 centimetres (59–71 in). The males are smaller than the females. The length of the […]

Medically differences in snake venom composition are dictated by distinct postgenomic mechanisms


LSTM Researchers identify the complex mechanisms controlling changes in snake venom. lstmliverpool.ac.uk. June 10,  2014. Specialist researchers from LSTM have identified the diverse mechanisms by which variations in venom occur in related snake species and the significant differences in venom pathology that occur as a consequence.Working with colleagues from Bangor University and Instituto de Biomedicina […]

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