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Portal latinoamericano de toxicología


DFDT: Manipulating solid forms of contact insecticides for infectious disease prevention


Fast-acting German insecticide lost in the aftermath of WWII Fluoridated DDT swiftly kills disease-carrying mosquitoes, which may lower its environmental impact — but its history is alarming. sciencedaily.com. October 11, 2019. Summary: A new study explores the chemistry as well as the complicated and alarming history of DFDT, a fast-acting insecticide. Mosquito picando (Sertox) A […]

A neonicotinoid insecticide reduces fueling and delays migration in songbirds, study


Controversial insecticides shown to threaten survival of wild birds. sciencedaily.com. September 12, 2019. Summary: New research shows how the world’s most widely used insecticides could be partly responsible for dramatic declines in farmland bird populations. In the first experiment to track effects of a neonicotinoid pesticide on birds in the wild, the team found that […]

Blood pressure after a heightened pesticide spray period among children living in Ecuador, study


Hypertension found in children exposed to flower pesticides. sciencedaily.com. May 22, 2019. Summary: Researchers have found higher blood pressure and pesticide exposures in children associated with a heightened pesticide spraying period around the Mother’s Day flower harvest. This study involved boys and girls living near flower crops in Ecuador. Flor de solanum, cerca de Cuenca, […]

Ingestion of subthreshold doses of lectins and paraquat induces ascending Parkinsonism in the rat


Low Doses of Herbicide and Lectins Led to Parkinsonism in Animals, Study Reports. By Jonathan Grinstein. parkinsonsnewstoday.com. December 07, 2018. Ingesting a once widely used herbicide called paraquat along with lectins — proteins in common foods that bind carbohydrates (e.g., sugars) — can lead to symptoms typical of Parkinson’s disease and known as parkinsonism, a […]

Neonicotinoid exposure disrupts bumblebee nest behavior, social networks, and thermoregulation,study


Pesticide exposure can dramatically impact bees’ social behaviors, study shows. sciencedaily.com. November 8, 2018. Summary: Using an innovative robotic platform to observe bees’ behavior, researchers showed that, following exposure to neonicotinoid pesticides — the most commonly-used class of pesticides in agriculture — bees spent less time nursing larvae and were less social that other bees. […]

Recommendations for essential policy reforms about organophosphate exposures during pregnancy


Leading researchers call for a ban on widely used insecticides. eurekalert.org. November 09, 2018. Use of organophosphates has lessened, but risks to early brain development still too high.Public health experts have found there is sufficient evidence that prenatal exposure to widely used insecticides known as organophosphates puts children at risk for neurodevelopmental disorders. Exposición prenatal […]

Glyphosate exposure in pregnancy and shortened gestational length, study


Direct evidence of exposure of pregnant women to herbicide ingredient. sciencedaily.com. March 22, 2018. Summary: The first birth cohort study of its kind has found more than 90 percent of a group of pregnant women in Central Indiana had detectable levels of glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup, the most heavily used herbicide worldwide. Exposición […]

Effects of pyraclostrobin on Bombyx mori and their production of cocoons, study


Fungicide impairs silk production, according to study. eurekalert.org. June 06, 2018. By testing an agrochemical designed to increase resistance on the mulberry plants used to feed silkworms, a research verified a rise in caterpillars’ mortality and reduction in the size of cocoons.  One of the problems caused by the intensive use of pesticides is their […]

A Sustainable Production of Terpenoid-based Insect Deterrents, study


Organic insect deterrent for agriculture. eurekalert.org. June 06, 2018. Biodegradable crop protection products without risks or side effects. Traditional insecticides are killers: they not only kill pests, they also endanger bees and other beneficial insects, as well as affecting biodiversity in soils, lakes, rivers and seas. A team from the Technical University of Munich (TUM) […]

COPD were associated with exposure to biological dusts, gases, fumes and pesticides


Occupational exposures linked with increased risk of COPD. sciencedaily.com. May 9, 2018. 21% of COPD cases in a study with more than 3,300 participants were associated with these occupational exposures. Summary: A study with more than 3,300 participants in 12 countries has established a relationship between occupational exposure to biological dusts, gases, fumes and pesticides […]

Ignoring adjuvant toxicity falsifies the safety profile of commercial pesticides, study


Commercial pesticides: Not as safe as they seem. sciencedaily.com. March 08, 2018. Summary: This is the first comprehensive review of gaps in risk assessments for adjuvants in pesticide formulations which are not currently subject to safety assessments. Ignoring the potential dangers of other ingredients in commonly used commercial pesticides leads to inaccuracies in the safety […]

Research about controversial neonicotinoid insecticides


Global scientific review reveals effective alternatives to neonicotinoid and fipronil insecticides. eurekalert.org. February 26, 2018. Report finds systemic pesticides not as effective as once thought and cites pest resistance as key reason to end mass uses of the harmful substances. Use of controversial neonicotinoid insecticides ("neonics") in agriculture is not as effective as once thought, […]

Occurrence and fate of pesticides in the Argentine stretch of the Paraguay-Paraná basin, study


Occurrence and fate of pesticides in the Argentine stretch of the Paraguay-Paraná basin.Environ Monit Assess. 2017 Feb;189(2):63. doi: 10.1007/s10661-017-5773-1. Epub 2017 Jan 19. Abstract: The Argentine stretch of the del Plata basin crosses regions devoted to extensive and intensive agriculture mostly with chemical pest control. The utilization of pesticides in the region has increased 900% […]

Honey bee foragers prefer to collect sugar syrup laced with the fungicide chlorothalonil


Agricultural fungicide attracts honey bees. sciencedaily.com. January 8, 2018. When given the choice, honey bee foragers prefer to collect sugar syrup laced with the fungicide chlorothalonil over sugar syrup alone, researchers report. When given the choice, honey bee foragers prefer to collect sugar syrup laced with the fungicide chlorothalonil over sugar syrup alone, researchers report […]

More about fipronil egg contamination II


Update on Fipronil in Eggs. food.gov.uk. September 21, 2017. We continue to trace the distribution of eggs from farms in the Netherlands and Belgium affected by Fipronil. Since our previous update, one additional product has been withdrawn, as detailed in our updated withdrawal list. This is a waffles product, sold in smaller retail stores and catering outlets. […]

Prenatal supplements of Folic Acid may help reduce harms of pesticide exposure


Could Folic Acid Fight a Cause of Autism? By Robert Preidt. medlineplus.gov.* September 8, 2017. Prenatal supplements may help reduce harms of pesticide exposure, study suggests. By taking folic acid around the time of conception, mothers-to-be may reduce their child’s risk of pesticide-related autism, a new study suggests. "* Health news articles are no longer […]

The fipronil contaminated egg scandal is spreading to more and more countries


Fipronil contaminated egg found in 45 countries. nltimes.nl. By Janene Pieters. September 5, 2017. The fipronil contaminated egg scandal is spreading to more and more countries. Since it was discovered that the toxic pesticide was used illegally in the Netherlands and Belgium a few months ago, 45 countries found fipronil in their eggs and egg […]

More about fipronil egg contamination


Fipronil egg contamination scandal and consequences for the food chain: update.europarl.europa.eu. September 01, 2017. Oeuf fipronil A representative from the Commission’s DG SANTE updated the AGRI Committee on Thursday morning on the state-of-play of the scandal related to the illegal use of the active substance Fipronil in laying hen farms in several Member States and its […]

A method to reduce the cost and simplify the process for detecting Nereistoxin


Cheap and simple detection of neurotoxic chemicals. sciencedaily.com. August o1, 2017. Chemical contamination from pesticides is a serious problem. Detection methods can be complicated, difficult to implement, and expensive. However, researchers have discovered a method to reduce the cost and simplify the process for detecting a neurotoxin found in several pesticides called Nereistoxin. It is […]

Maternal exposition to pyrethroids during pregnancy linked with behavioral problems in children


Could Common Insecticides Be Tied to Behavior Issues in Kids?. By Robert Preidt. medilineplus.gov. March 02, 2017. Study can’t prove cause-and-effect, but children exposed in utero to pyrethroids had more problems. Children exposed to a widely used group of insecticides may be at increased risk for behavioral problems, according to a new study.The insecticides are […]

Pesticide exposure may change the makeup of bacteria in the mouths of farm workers, study


Pesticide Exposures May Alter Mouth Bacteria. By Robert Preidt. medlineplus.gov.* November 28, 2016. Study of Washington farm workers finds alterations persist after growing season ends. Pesticide exposure may change the makeup of bacteria in the mouths of farm workers, a new study finds.Researchers at the University of Washington analyzed swabs taken from the mouths of […]

DEET insect repellents would not harm a pregnant woman or her fetus when used as instructed


DEET Repellents Safe in Pregnancy to Prevent Zika, Researchers Say. medlineplus.gov. October 11, 2016. Analysis of available evidence on the insecticide finds no cause for concern. DEET insect repellents won’t harm a pregnant woman or her fetus when used as instructed to prevent infection with the Zika virus, a new research analysis suggests.Exposure to the mosquito-transmitted […]

Over-the-counter products have lost much of their effectiveness against the so-called superlice


New ‘Superlice’ Resist Most Over-the-Counter Remedies. medlineplus.gov. September   09, 2016.  But prescription medications can still send the parasites packing. In the war against "superlice," parents appear to be up against a mighty foe — and it’s one they’d certainly rather never see in the first place.A new report warns that over-the-counter products have lost […]

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