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Portal latinoamericano de toxicología


Recommendations for essential policy reforms about organophosphate exposures during pregnancy


Leading researchers call for a ban on widely used insecticides. eurekalert.org. November 09, 2018. Use of organophosphates has lessened, but risks to early brain development still too high.Public health experts have found there is sufficient evidence that prenatal exposure to widely used insecticides known as organophosphates puts children at risk for neurodevelopmental disorders. Exposición prenatal […]

Early exposure to organophosphates could raise risk of COPD later, study suggest


Agricultural Pesticides May Affect Kids’ Breathing. By Robert Preidt. nlm.nih.gov December 03, 2015. Early exposure to organophosphates could raise risk of COPD later, researchers suggest. Early exposure to widely used pesticides may harm children’s lungs, a new study says.Previous research has looked at the harmful effect of organophosphate pesticides — chemicals that target the nervous […]

Trivia # 277: Swainson’s hawk (Buteo swainsoni)


Toxicological Trivia from March 18, 2015: In the mid 1990s the Swainson’s hawk (Buteo swainsoni) became one of the paradigmatic cases of indirect poisoning in Argentina. Spatial aggregation habits, habitat selection and power, combined with environmental conditions that favored population explosions of harmful insects to crops in the region (especially acrididae -locusts and grasshoppers-, with […]

Beta-hexachlorocyclohexane and mirex exposure, linked to higher risk of endometriosis, study


Two Pesticides Tied to Higher Risk of Gynecological Disorder. By Robert Preidt. nlm.nih.gov.  November 05, 2013. Study looked at ‘organochlorine’ exposure in women with condition that affects uterine lining. Two pesticides are associated with an increased risk of endometriosis, a common health problem that occurs in up to 10 percent of reproductive-age women, according to […]

A PNAS article about brain anomalies in children exposed prenatally to chlorpyrifos


Brain anomalies in children exposed prenatally to a common organophosphate pesticide. Virginia A. Rauh, Frederica P. Perera, Megan K. Horton et al. PNAS May 15, 2012 vol. 109 no. 20 7871-7876.Published online before print April 30, 2012, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1203396109.  Abstract:Prenatal exposure to chlorpyrifos (CPF), an organophosphate insecticide, is associated with neurobehavioral deficits in humans and […]

A PNAS article about brain anomalies in children exposed prenatally to chlorpyrifos


Brain anomalies in children exposed prenatally to a common organophosphate pesticide. Virginia A. Rauh, Frederica P. Perera, Megan K. Horton et al. PNAS May 15, 2012 vol. 109 no. 20 7871-7876.Published online before print April 30, 2012, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1203396109.  Abstract:Prenatal exposure to chlorpyrifos (CPF), an organophosphate insecticide, is associated with neurobehavioral deficits in humans and […]

Exposure to organophosphates pesticides is linked to shorter pregnancies and smaller babies


Pesticides May Be Linked to Slightly Smaller Babies, Shorter Pregnancies.nlm.nih.gov.  April 5, 2012. Babies were, on average, 1/3 pound lighter, and pregnancies were about three to four days shorter, study finds. Exposure to a type of pesticide commonly used on crops eaten by U.S. consumers is linked to shorter pregnancies and smaller babies, new research […]

Exposure to organophosphates pesticides is linked to shorter pregnancies and smaller babies


Pesticides May Be Linked to Slightly Smaller Babies, Shorter Pregnancies.nlm.nih.gov.  April 5, 2012. Babies were, on average, 1/3 pound lighter, and pregnancies were about three to four days shorter, study finds. Exposure to a type of pesticide commonly used on crops eaten by U.S. consumers is linked to shorter pregnancies and smaller babies, new research […]

Endosulfan and chlorpyrifos found in Southern Screamer dead in February in La Picasa, Santa Fe


It was determined that hundreds of Southern Screamer  were killed in February by insecticides. lacapital.com.ar. April 05, 2012. Two types of pesticides found in animals that appeared dead in  La Picasa’ lake. Provincial Environment Secretary intervened and now the case is being investigated by the courts of Rufino. After studies ordered by the Ministry of […]

Endosulfan and chlorpyrifos found in Southern Screamer dead in February in La Picasa, Santa Fe


It was determined that hundreds of Southern Screamer  were killed in February by insecticides. lacapital.com.ar. April 05, 2012. Two types of pesticides found in animals that appeared dead in  La Picasa’ lake. Provincial Environment Secretary intervened and now the case is being investigated by the courts of Rufino. After studies ordered by the Ministry of […]

A paper about survival in acute organophosphate poisoning


Factors for determining survival in acute organophosphate poisoning. Kang EJ, Seok SJ, Lee KH, Gil HW, Yang JO, Lee EY, Hong SY. Korean J Intern Med 2009; 24(4): 362-7. Abstract.BACKGROUND/AIMS: Organophosphate poisoning has a high mortality rate. Recently, differences among organophosphorus insecticides in human self-poisoning were reported. This study investigated the prognostic risk factors and […]

Trivia # 24: organophosphate insecticides


Toxicological trivia, September 18, 2009: organophosphate insecticides act by inhibiting the enzyme cholinesterase in the body, which determines the accumulation of large amounts of acetylcholine in nerve synapses, and therefore the level of receptors: a) Nicotinic; b) Muscarinic, central and peripheral c) In both types Answer c. Read more in Spanish  in "Pesticide poisoning".

Fenthion poisoning of avian in Australia


It’s raining birds on Western Australia. timesonline. June 1, 2009.The Western Australia sky is raining dead birds in what is becoming a regular, and mysterious, event for the region.More than 200 ibises, ravens, ducks, gulls and a pelican were found dead or convulsing near Perth, raising fears of a mass poisoning.The discovery comes less than […]

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