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Portal latinoamericano de toxicología


Mercury trade in Indonesia, a business intertwined with the lucrative and illegal production of gold


The hidden cost of gold: Birth defects and brain damage. By Richard C. Paddock. nytimes.com. November 09, 2019. Thousands of children with crippling birth defects. Half a million people poisoned. A toxic chemical found in the food supply. Accusations of a government cover-up and police officers on the take. La balsa en el Museo del […]

Tuna consumption and knowledge about mercury exposure risk from this in university students


Students chowing down tuna in dining halls are unaware of mercury exposure risks. sciencedaily.com. June 28, 2019. Summary: Some students are helping themselves to servings of tuna well beyond the amounts recommended to avoid consuming too much mercury. Researchers surveyed students on their tuna consumption habits and knowledge of mercury exposure risks, and also measured […]

Effective removal of mercury from aqueous streams via electrochemical alloy formation on platinum


Removing toxic mercury from contaminated water. eurekalert.org. November 21,2018. Water which has been contaminated with mercury and other toxic heavy metals is a major cause of environmental damage and health problems worldwide. Now, researchers from Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, present a totally new way to clean contaminated water, through an electrochemical process. The results […]

Industrial sea fishing may be exposing people to excessively high levels of mercury


Mercury rising: Are the fish we eat toxic?  eurekalert.org. May 03, 2018. Canadian researchers say industrial sea fishing may be exposing people in coastal and island nations to excessively high levels of mercury. The amount of mercury extracted from the sea by industrial fishing has grown steadily since the 1950s, potentially increasing mercury exposure among […]

Integrating mercury research and policy in a changing world


Scientists call for global and local control and management of mercury. eurekalert.org. February 02, 2018. The risks, mechanisms and implications of mercury pollution are summarized in a special issue in the journal Ambio. Mercury is a complex, multifaceted contaminant which can take many different forms. It is poisonous to humans and wildlife and damaging to […]

Mercury levels in one tuna species have decreased along with industrial emissions of it


Mercury Levels Dropping in North Atlantic Tuna Study suggests industry emission controls may lead to healthier fish.By Robert Preidt.  medlineplus.gov. November 23, 2016. Mercury levels in one tuna species have decreased along with industrial emissions of the dangerous chemical element, a new study finds. The results suggest that reductions in mercury emissions could quickly result in […]

Spent coffee bioelastomeric composite foams for the removal of Pb2 and Hg2 from water, study


Coffee-infused foam removes lead from contaminated water. sciencedaily.com. September 21, 2016. Summary:Coffee is one of the most popular drinks in the U.S., which makes for a perky population — but it also creates a lot of used grounds. Scientists now report an innovative way to reduce this waste and help address another environmental problem. They […]

Chemical forms of mercury in human hair reveal sources of exposure, study


Tracking down the origin of mercury contamination in human hair. sciencedaily.com. September 22, 2016. Summary:Mercury is a potent neurotoxin present in our daily lives and our body can accumulate it over the years. Food consumption, such as fish and rice, is the most common source of mercury exposure. Mercury can be found in dental amalgams, […]

Trivia # 342: mercury in nature


Toxicological trivia from July 29, 2016: Mercury is a chemical element with symbol Hg and atomic number 80. It is commonly known as quicksilver and was formerly named hydrargyrum.Mercury is an extremely rare element in Earth’s crust, having an average crustal abundance by mass of only 0.08 parts per million (ppm). Because it does not […]

Mercury exposure is common in indigenous peoples who consume fish in Canada


Mercury exposure in Canada’s northern indigenous communities. eurekalert.org. July 18, 2016. Mercury exposure is common in communities in Canada’s north, especially in indigenous peoples who consume fish and other wild food with high mercury content, yet current clinical guidelines are not adequate for this population. A review in CMAJ Canadian Medical Association Journal provides guidance […]

Association of seafood consumption, brain mercury level, and brain neuropathology in older adults


Alzheimer’s: no link to mercury in brain or seafood consumption. By Marie Ellis. medicalnewstoday.com. February 02, 2016. There are many benefits associated with eating seafood, but it is also a source of mercury, a neurotoxin that affects neurocognitive development. Little has been known about potential links between seafood consumption, mercury levels and brain neuropathology, so […]

Atlantic bottlenose dolphins as a sentinel for exposure to mercury in humans: closing the loop


Levels of mercury in dolphins linked to exposure in humans, groundbreaking study finds. sciencedaily.com. November 30, 2015. Summary:What do mercury levels in dolphins say about mercury levels in humans? Quite a bit, according to a new study that sheds light on the potential dangers of consuming locally caught seafood. This is the first time that […]

Hydroelectric projects will put more methylmercury into northern ecosystems than climate change


Clean hydro power poses methylmercury threat.plant.ca. September 09, 2015. Study says high levels in Arctic marine life have been traced to global warming.Hydroelectric projects will put more methylmercury pollution into northern ecosystems than climate change, suggests a new Harvard University study. Methylmercury, a neurotoxin created as mercury blends with bacteria, is linked to heart issues […]

Mercury offloaded in Northern elephant seal hair affects coastal seawater surrounding rookery, study


Molting elephant seals add mercury to coastal seawater.sciencedaily.com. September 07, 2015. Researchers traces elevated mercury levels in coastal seawater near Año Nuevo State Reserve to hair shed by elephant seals in annual molt.Summary:As fish-eating predators at the top of the marine food chain, elephant seals accumulate high concentrations of mercury in their bodies. A new […]

US: Mercury exposure and antinuclear antibodies among females of reproductive age, study


Exposure to mercury, seafood associated with risk factor for autoimmune disease.sciencedaily.com. February 10, 2015. Summary: One of the greatest risk factors for autoimmunity among women of childbearing age may be associated with exposure to mercury such as through seafood, a new study says. Mercury — even at low levels generally considered safe — was associated […]

Benefits of fish consumption on prenatal development may offset the risks associated with mercury


Fatty acids in fish may shield brain from mercury damage.sciencedaily.com. January 21, 2015.Summary: The benefits of fish consumption on prenatal development may offset the risks associated with mercury exposure, new findings from research in the Seychelles suggests. In fact, the new study suggests that the nutrients found in fish have properties that protect the brain […]

From N Engl J Med 2014: Elemental mercury embolism to the lungs


Images in clinical medicine: Elemental mercury embolism to the lungs. rancisco Gutiérrez, M.D., and Lucio Leon, M.D.N Engl J Med 2000; 342:1791June 15, 2000. DOI: 10.1056/NEJM200006153422405. Figure 1 A 21-year-old dental assistant attempted suicide by injecting 10 ml (135 g) of elemental mercury (quicksilver) intravenously. She presented to the emergency room with tachypnea, a dry […]

Trivia # 259: Japanese mercury poisoning from eating dolphins and whales


Toxicological trivia from November 12, 2014: The people of Japanese dolphin-hunting village depicted in the Oscar-winning documentary "The Cove" have dangerously high mercury levels, probably because of their consumption of whale and dolphin meat. Mercury levels above the national average but subsequent analysis showed no negative consequences, says the National Institute for Minamata Disease. The […]

Earthjustice: FDA’s failure to respond to our petition about mercury in seafood


FDA sued for seafood health information.fis.com. March 14, 2014. Consumer protection and environmental advocates filed a lawsuit in federal district court this week against the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for failing to respond to a July 2011 petition in which the groups asked the FDA to give consumers clear, accurate and accessible information […]

Area of ​​the Penobscot River was closed to lobster fishing, because high levels of Hg


Lobster closure due to mercury contamination in Maine. fis.com. February 24, 2014. The area of ​​the Penobscot River was closed to lobster fishing, because high levels of mercury were found in these crustaceans.The mercury contamination came to light after a court order a study related to a federal lawsuit which was brought by the Maine […]

A link between Arctic sea ice dynamics and the region’s changing atmospheric chemistry


Arctic: Mercury deposition and ozone depletion, linked to sea-ice dynamics. sciencedaily.com. January 15, 2014. Summary: Scientists have established, for the first time, a link between Arctic sea ice dynamics and the region’s changing atmospheric chemistry potentially leading to increased amounts of mercury deposited to the Earth’s northernmost and most fragile ecosystems. This week a new study […]

Web page from Minamata convention on mercury


Countries:he boundaries shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the Secretariat of the Minamata Convention on Mercury, the United Nations Environment Programme or the United Nations.http://www.mercuryconvention.org Signatories (Minamata Convention on Mercury) LIST OF SIGNATORIESNumber of Signatories: 93Number of Parties: 1ParticipantSignatureRatification, Acceptance (A), Approval (AA), Accession (a)Angola11/10/2013 Argentina10/10/2013 Armenia10/10/2013 Australia10/10/2013 Austria10/10/2013 Bangladesh10/10/2013 Belgium10/10/2013 Benin10/10/2013 Bolivia (Plurinational State […]

HealthGovernments around the world should immediately sign the new Minamata Convention on Mercury


Groundbreaking Treaty on Toxic Mercury.hrw.org. October 06, 2013. Governments Should Sign, Ratify to Protect Environment, HealthGovernments around the world should immediately sign the new, groundbreaking Minamata Convention on Mercury, Human Rights Watch said today. Officials around the world will meet in Kumamoto, Japan beginning October 7, 2013, to formally adopt the treaty. Once adopted, it […]

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