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COP, dioxinas, etc.

Latitudinal exposure to DDTs, HCB, PCBs, PBDEs and DP in giant petrels across the Southern Ocean


Chemical pollution gets to Antarctic marine bird colonies. sciencedaily.com. July 21, 2016. Summary: Latitude is the main factor which determines the organic pollutant concentration in Antarctic giant petrels – emblematic species in the Antarctic and sub-Antarctic regions – according to a new article.Latitude is the main factor which determines the organic pollutant concentration in Antarctic […]

German state finds dioxin in eggs, sees no danger


Dioxin found in eggs from two more German farms.reuters.com. April 05, 2012. The highly-poisonous chemical dioxin has been discovered in above permitted levels in eggs from two more farms in the central German state of North Rhine Westphalia, the state agriculture ministry said on Thursday. This followed the announcement on Wednesday that eggs with dioxin […]

German state finds dioxin in eggs, sees no danger


Dioxin found in eggs from two more German farms.reuters.com. April 05, 2012. The highly-poisonous chemical dioxin has been discovered in above permitted levels in eggs from two more farms in the central German state of North Rhine Westphalia, the state agriculture ministry said on Thursday. This followed the announcement on Wednesday that eggs with dioxin […]

The Stockholm Message from World Water Week to the COP-15


At the close of the recent World Water Week in Stockholm,  the assembled participants unanimously voted to support a message from the Week stating that water must be included in the upcoming COP-15 climate deliberations in Copenhagen.   Now commonly known as the “Stockholm Statement,” the document and its principles have been the subjects of […]

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