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Portal latinoamericano de toxicología

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Changes in kidney function among Nicaraguan sugarcane workers, study


Occupational link in kidney disease epidemic in Central America. sciencedaily.com. February 2, 2015. Summary:Sugarcane workers in northwestern Nicaragua experienced a decline in kidney function during the harvest, with field workers at greatest risk, suggesting that heat stress or other occupational factors may be playing a role in the high rates of chronic kidney disease in […]

From Clinical Toxicology 2015


News articles send by Javier Waksman:1) Can AST/ALT ratio indicate recovery after acute paracetamol poisoning? See PDF.2) An exploratory study; the therapeutic effects of premixed activated charcoal – sorbitol administration in patients poisoned with organophosphate pesticide. See PDF.3) Retained drugs in the gastrointestinal tracts of deceased victims of oral drug overdose. See PDF.

From N Engl J Med 2013: Cutaneous Loxoscelism


Images in clinical medicine:Cutaneous Loxoscelism.  Lourdes Garza Ocañas, M.D., and Roque Masaharu Mifuji, M.D. N Engl J Med 2013; 369:e6August 1, 2013DOI: 10.1056/NEJMicm1212607A 10-year-old healthy girl from a rural area in Northeast Mexico was bitten on the right posterior lateral thigh by a spider that had characteristics matching those of a brown recluse spider (Loxosceles reclusa). Five […]

US: Health alert about the risk of heavy metal poisoning from folk remedies


Folk remedy linked to baby’s high lead levels.US issues alert based on Boston case. By Kay Lazar. bostonglobe.com.  August 02, 2012. The specialists at Boston Children’s Hospital were stumped. Usually when they encounter children with high levels of lead in their blood, the problem is traced to chipped, lead-based paint in families’ homes or yards. But […]

US: Health alert about the risk of heavy metal poisoning from folk remedies


Folk remedy linked to baby’s high lead levels.US issues alert based on Boston case. By Kay Lazar. bostonglobe.com.  August 02, 2012. The specialists at Boston Children’s Hospital were stumped. Usually when they encounter children with high levels of lead in their blood, the problem is traced to chipped, lead-based paint in families’ homes or yards. But […]

LiverTox Live now in the webpage of NIH


LiverTox: Clinical and Research Information on Drug-Induced Liver Injury. LIVERTOX provides up-to-date, accurate, and easily accessed information on the diagnosis, cause, frequency, patterns, and management of liver injury attributable to prescription and nonprescription medications, herbals and dietary supplements.  LIVERTOX also includes a case registry that will enable scientific analysis and better characterization of the clinical […]

LiverTox Live now in the webpage of NIH


LiverTox: Clinical and Research Information on Drug-Induced Liver Injury. LIVERTOX provides up-to-date, accurate, and easily accessed information on the diagnosis, cause, frequency, patterns, and management of liver injury attributable to prescription and nonprescription medications, herbals and dietary supplements.  LIVERTOX also includes a case registry that will enable scientific analysis and better characterization of the clinical […]

Mexican scientists is working on a vaccine that could reduce addiction to heroin


Mexican researchers patent heroin vaccine. chicagotribune.com. February 24, 2012.While Mexico grapples with relentless drug-related violence, a group of Mexican scientists is working on a vaccine that could reduce addiction to one of the world’s most notorious narcotics: heroin.Researchers at the country’s National Institute of Psychiatry say they have successfully tested the vaccine on mice and […]

Mexican scientists is working on a vaccine that could reduce addiction to heroin


Mexican researchers patent heroin vaccine. chicagotribune.com. February 24, 2012.While Mexico grapples with relentless drug-related violence, a group of Mexican scientists is working on a vaccine that could reduce addiction to one of the world’s most notorious narcotics: heroin.Researchers at the country’s National Institute of Psychiatry say they have successfully tested the vaccine on mice and […]

Study suggests there is no reason to believe that antidepressants influence suicidal thinking in kid


Study questions antidepressant link to suicide in kids.By Shari Roan, Los Angeles Times / For the Booster Shots blog. February 6, 2012.In 2004, the Food and Drug Administration announced that antidepressant packages should carry a "black box" warning describing an increased risk of suicide and suicidal thoughts in children and youths up to age 25. […]

Study suggests there is no reason to believe that antidepressants influence suicidal thinking in kid


Study questions antidepressant link to suicide in kids.By Shari Roan, Los Angeles Times / For the Booster Shots blog. February 6, 2012.In 2004, the Food and Drug Administration announced that antidepressant packages should carry a "black box" warning describing an increased risk of suicide and suicidal thoughts in children and youths up to age 25. […]

Philippines: Working to substitute the use of mercury with borax and soap in small-scale gold mining


Spotlight: Initial Test Results Reveal New Method of Gold Extraction – Philippines. By Erik Jors. Collaborating Centre Connection. cdc.gov/niosh. January 2012. The Denmark Clinic of Occupational and Environmental Medicine is working with partners (NGO Dialogos, Danish Society of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Danish Universities and local partner Ban Toxins (BANTOX)) in the Philippines to substitute […]

Philippines: Working to substitute the use of mercury with borax and soap in small-scale gold mining


Spotlight: Initial Test Results Reveal New Method of Gold Extraction – Philippines. By Erik Jors. Collaborating Centre Connection. cdc.gov/niosh. January 2012. The Denmark Clinic of Occupational and Environmental Medicine is working with partners (NGO Dialogos, Danish Society of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Danish Universities and local partner Ban Toxins (BANTOX)) in the Philippines to substitute […]

New JAMA article about marijuana use and pulmonary function


Association Between Marijuana Exposure and Pulmonary Function Over 20 Years. Mark J. Pletcher,Eric Vittinghoff, Ravi Kalhan, et al. JAMA January 11, 2012, Vol 307, No. 2, pp 115-213.Abstract:Context Marijuana smoke contains many of the same constituents as tobacco smoke, but whether it has similar adverse effects on pulmonary function is unclear.Objective To analyze associations between […]

New JAMA article about marijuana use and pulmonary function


Association Between Marijuana Exposure and Pulmonary Function Over 20 Years. Mark J. Pletcher,Eric Vittinghoff, Ravi Kalhan, et al. JAMA January 11, 2012, Vol 307, No. 2, pp 115-213.Abstract:Context Marijuana smoke contains many of the same constituents as tobacco smoke, but whether it has similar adverse effects on pulmonary function is unclear.Objective To analyze associations between […]

To an emergency room after being unwittingly, but intentionally, drugged by someone else


Drugs Slipped Into Drinks Sending Many to ER: Report. Majority of victims are women, but nearly 40 percent are male, researchers note. By Alan Mozes. HealthDay Reporter.Nov. 10, 2011. In 2009, nearly 15,000 American women and men ended up in an emergency room after being unwittingly, but intentionally, drugged by someone else, a new federal […]

To an emergency room after being unwittingly, but intentionally, drugged by someone else


Drugs Slipped Into Drinks Sending Many to ER: Report. Majority of victims are women, but nearly 40 percent are male, researchers note. By Alan Mozes. HealthDay Reporter.Nov. 10, 2011. In 2009, nearly 15,000 American women and men ended up in an emergency room after being unwittingly, but intentionally, drugged by someone else, a new federal […]

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