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Cannabis exposure among children and teenagers after medical marijuana legalization in Massachusetts


Cannabis-related poison control calls for Massachusetts kids doubled after medical pot legalized. sciencedaily.com. August 16, 2019. Summary: After medical marijuana became legal in Massachusetts, cannabis-related poison control calls involving the commonwealth’s children and teenagers doubled, according to a public health investigation. Hoja de marihuana (Sertox) After medical marijuana became legal in Massachusetts, cannabis-related poison control […]

Chemical residue evidence from the first millennium BCE in the Pamirs & the origins of cannabis use


Origins of cannabis smoking. Evidence from ancient burials at high elevations. sciencedaily.com. June 12, 2019. Summary: A chemical residue study of incense burners from ancient burials at high elevations in western China has revealed psychoactive cannabinoids. The finding provides some of the earliest evidence for the use of cannabis for its psychoactive compounds. Cannabis, tan […]

Cue reactivity in the ventral striatum characterizes heavy cannabis use, study


Formation of habitual use drives cannabis addiction. sciencedaily.com. June 13, 2019. Individual differences in brain systems for habitual behavior distinguish heavy cannabis users who develop an addiction. Summary: A shift from brain systems controlling reward-driven use to habit-driven use differentiates heavy cannabis users who are addicted to the drug from users who aren’t, according to […]

Canadian neuroscientists offer insights into the long-term effects of adolescent cannabis use


Growing up high: Neurobiological consequences of adolescent cannabis use. eurekalert.org. May 25, 2019. Canadian neuroscientists offer insights into the long-term effects of adolescent cannabis use. About one in five Canadian adolescents uses cannabis (19% of Canadians aged 15-19), and its recent legalization across the country warrants investigation into the consequence of this use on the […]

Those who smoke cannabis, or marijuana, weigh less compared to adults who do not


Marijuana users weigh less, defying the munchies. eurekalert.org. April 19, 2019.  New evidence from Michigan State University suggests that those who smoke cannabis, or marijuana, weigh less compared to adults who don’t. The findings, published in the International Journal of Epidemiology, are contrary to the belief that marijuana users who have a serious case of […]

Cannabis use in adolescence linked to risk of depression, anxiety and suicidality in young adulthood


Cannabis use in teens raises risk of depression in young adults. eurekalert.org. February 13, 2019. Cannabis use among adolescents is found to be associated with increased risk of depression and anxiety in adulthood.  While there has been a lot of focus on the role of cannabis use in psychosis, there has been less attention on […]

Up to one-third of pregnant women do not believe cannabis is harmful to their fetus, study


Some pregnant women don’t believe cannabis is harmful to their fetus. sciencedaily.com. January 21, 2019. Summary: Up to one-third of pregnant women do not believe cannabis is harmful to their fetus, according to a new review. Exposición prenatal a … (Sertox) Up to one-third of pregnant women do not believe cannabis is harmful to their fetus, […]

Cannabis use affects the genetic profile in sperm


Exposure to cannabis alters the genetic profile of sperm. Whether genetic changes can be reversed or are passed on to children is still unknown. sciencedaily.com. December 19, 2018. Summary: New research suggests men in their child-bearing years should consider how THC could impact their sperm and possibly the children they conceive during periods when they’ve […]

Cannabis extract can help reduce brain function abnormalities seen in people with psychosis


Cannabis extract helps reset brain function in psychosis. eurekalert.org. August 29, 2018. Research from King’s College London has found that a single dose of the cannabis extract cannabidiol can help reduce brain function abnormalities seen in people with psychosis. Results from a new MRC-funded trial, published in JAMA Psychiatry, provide the first evidence of how […]

Increase in low birth weights among women who use cannabis during pregnancy


Prenatal cannabis use associated with low birth weights. sciencedaily.com. April 23, 2018. The study, led by Colorado School of Public Health, shows a 50 percent increase in low birth weights among women who use.  cannabis during pregnancy. With marijuana use during pregnancy on the rise, a new study shows that prenatal cannabis use was associated […]

Association between US state medical cannabis laws and opioid prescribing, study


Legalized medical cannabis lowers opioid use, study finds. sciencedaily.com. April 02, 2018.  Summary:US states that have approved medical cannabis laws saw a dramatic reduction in opioid use, according to a new study. States that have approved medical cannabis laws saw a dramatic reduction in opioid use, according to a new study by researchers at the […]

The American Academy of Pediatrics is urging doctors to protect children from the harms of marijuana


As Pot Legalization Advances, Pediatricians Warn of Dangers. By Randy Dotinga. medlineplus.gov.  February 27, 2017. Marijuana isn’t benign, child health experts contend. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) is urging doctors to protect children from the harms of marijuana as the nation becomes increasingly tolerant of the drug’s use. Hoja de marihuana (Sertox) "Marijuana is […]

Smoking pot regularly may be linked to a limited degree of vision impairment, study


Could Regular Pot Smoking Harm Vision?. medlineplus.gov.*  December 08, 2016. Study suggests that it might slow signaling among cells that deliver visual information to the brain. Smoking pot regularly may be linked to a limited degree of vision impairment, a new French study suggests. The finding stems from very preliminary research involving just 52 participants, 28 […]

Americans 65-plus more than doubled their use of marijuana over 8 years, study finds


Baby Boomers Going to Pot. By Robert Preidt. medlineplus.gov.* December 6, 2016. Americans 65-plus more than doubled their use of marijuana over 8 years, study finds. More older Americans are rolling joints or firing up their bongs, a new study on marijuana use finds. "Given the unprecedented aging of the U.S. population, we are facing […]

Pot use tied to rare, temporary heart malfunction


Marijuana Use Linked To Rare, Sudden Weakening Of Heart Muscles, Broken Heart Syndrome. By Ed Cara. medicaldaily.com. November 14, 2016. Marijuana use may increase the chances of developing an often temporary but still frightening heart condition, suggests new preliminary research presented this week at the annual American Heart Association Meeting. Hoja de marihuana (Sertox) Marijuana […]

One minute of marijuana secondhand smoke exposure impairs vascular endothelial function, study


A minute of secondhand marijuana smoke may damage blood vessels: Study in rats. sciencedaily.com. July 27, 2016.  Summary:Rats’ blood vessels took at least three times longer to recover function after only a minute of breathing secondhand marijuana smoke, compared to recovery after a minute of breathing secondhand tobacco smoke. With many states legalizing medical and […]

Unintentional pediatric exposures to marijuana in Colorado, 2009-2015


Marijuana exposure in kids rose after recreational use legalized in Colorado. sciencedaily.com. July 25, 2016. Summary: The legalization of recreational marijuana in Colorado was associated with both increased hospital visits and cases at a regional poison center because of unintentional exposure to the drug by children, suggesting effective preventive measures are needed as more states […]

People who mix marijuana with tobacco are at greater risk for dependency


Mixing Pot and Tobacco Increases Dependence Risk: Study. By Mary Elizabeth Dallas. nlm.nih.gov. July 6, 2016. These users less likely to seek professional help to quit.People who mix marijuana with tobacco are at greater risk for dependency and less motivated to find support to quit these drugs, researchers report.One billion people around the globe use […]

Adverse effects with medical marijuana were reported by 79.9% of cancer patients in a study


Benefits of Medical Marijuana May Outweigh Risks. By Liam Davenport. medscape.com. June 13, 2016. Medical marijuana users experience significant pain reduction with only minor adverse effects, a new study of cancer and noncancer pain sufferers who had previously tried conventional medications shows. Pesach Shvartzman, MD, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel, found that using medical […]

Chronic marijuana use disrupts the natural reward processes of the brain, study


Long-term marijuana use changes brain’s reward circuit. sciencedaily.com. June 07, 2016. Summary: Researchers have demonstrated that long-term marijuana users had more activity in the brain’s reward processes when presented with cannabis cues than with natural reward cues.Chronic marijuana use disrupts the brain’s natural reward processes, according to researchers at the Center for BrainHealth at The […]

Smoking marijuana for decades may result in gum disease and potential tooth loss


Long-Term Pot Use Tied to Gum Disease in Study. nlm.nih.gov. June 01, 2016. Besides gum health, researchers assessed lung function, risk factors for heart disease and diabetes.Smoking marijuana for decades may result in gum disease and potential tooth loss, a new study indicates. In an analysis of about 1,000 people who used pot and/or tobacco […]

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