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Experts warn about how open the packaging of vaccum packed fish to prevent contamination


Scientists warn over improper vaccum packed fish thawing. fis.com.  June 02, 2014. Experts from the Michigan State University warn that the packaging of vaccum packed fish should be opened before thawing to prevent bacteria contamination.Vacuum packaging, also called Reduced Oxygen Packaging (ROP) keeps the fish from drying out by preventing water loss. It is used […]

New test strip that can detect botulism in foods and provide results in less than 20 minutes


Botulism-causing Toxins Detected Promptly by ARS-developed Test Strip. By Marcia Wood. ars.usda.gov. February 7, 2014. Botulism, the sometimes deadly illness commonly associated with botched home-canning or other stored-food mishaps, has a new face. According to U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) molecular biologist Robert M. Hnasko, botulism today is both a food safety and a homeland […]

Botulism by pruno again: eight inmates hospitalized from a prison in Utah, US


Prison Inmates Make Homemade ‘Jailhouse Wine’ With Fruits And Contaminated Potato; Leads To Botulism Outbreak. By Lecia Bushak. medicaldaily.com.  December 17, 2013.Eight inmates have fallen ill at a prison in Utah, after drinking a homemade “jailhouse wine.” The wine was created by a particular inmate who mixed juice, fresh and canned fruit, as well as […]

Discovery of a new botulinum toxin type H, now the deadliest substance ever known


New Botulinum Toxin Deemed Deadliest Substance Ever: Sniffing 13-Billionths Of A Gram Can Kill. By Chris Weller.medicaldaily.com. October 15, 2013. A newly discovered botulinum toxin, now the eighth family of the protein to be discovered by scientists, has been called the deadliest substance ever known. Because no antidote has yet been created, the gene sequence […]

Four state prison inmates were hospitalized with suspected botulism poisoning in Arizona


4 Arizona inmates hospitalized; botulism from homemade alcohol suspected. By Cecilia Chan. azcentral.com.  Aug. 3, 2012.Four state prison inmates were hospitalized with suspected botulism poisoning Friday after apparently drinking homemade prison alcohol, authorities said.Three were reported in stable condition Friday night. The condition of the fourth was not known late Friday. Clostridium botulinum (wp) All […]

In Oregon were hospitalized three persons after eating beets that contained the botulism toxin


Home-canned beets in Oregon linked to three botulism hospitalizations. Food safety infosheet. bites.ksu.edu. August 2, 2012. Three attendees at a private gathering in Oregon were hospitalized in July 2012 after eating foods that contained the botulism toxin. The ill individuals shared beets that had not been canned properly.The beets had been placed into jars, heated […]

Four state prison inmates were hospitalized with suspected botulism poisoning in Arizona


4 Arizona inmates hospitalized; botulism from homemade alcohol suspected. By Cecilia Chan. azcentral.com.  Aug. 3, 2012.Four state prison inmates were hospitalized with suspected botulism poisoning Friday after apparently drinking homemade prison alcohol, authorities said.Three were reported in stable condition Friday night. The condition of the fourth was not known late Friday. Clostridium botulinum (wp) All […]

In Oregon were hospitalized three persons after eating beets that contained the botulism toxin


Home-canned beets in Oregon linked to three botulism hospitalizations. Food safety infosheet. bites.ksu.edu. August 2, 2012. Three attendees at a private gathering in Oregon were hospitalized in July 2012 after eating foods that contained the botulism toxin. The ill individuals shared beets that had not been canned properly.The beets had been placed into jars, heated […]

The key to botulinum toxin’s oral toxicity may unlock ways to deliver protein drugs by mouth


How A Toxin Avoids Digestion. News of The Week. cen.acs.org. Volume 90 Issue 9.  February 27, 2012 | p. 6 |. By Jyllian Kemsley. The structure of a botulinum neurotoxin bound to a protein shield provides clues as to how the toxin survives the digestive tract, according to a new report (Science, DOI: 10.1126/science.1214270). The […]

The key to botulinum toxin’s oral toxicity may unlock ways to deliver protein drugs by mouth


How A Toxin Avoids Digestion. News of The Week. cen.acs.org. Volume 90 Issue 9.  February 27, 2012 | p. 6 |. By Jyllian Kemsley. The structure of a botulinum neurotoxin bound to a protein shield provides clues as to how the toxin survives the digestive tract, according to a new report (Science, DOI: 10.1126/science.1214270). The […]

Botulism by vegetable salad served in Kabardino-Balkaria, Russia


Botulism outbreak in Russia. healthmap.org. Nov. 8, 2011. Vegetable salad served in Kabardino-Balkaria State Agricultural Academy’s dining room is believed to be the reason for the recent botulism outbreak the Russian North Caucasus Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria. About 48 people are currently hospitalized. Upon hospitalization all patients immediately received anti-botulism serum. Three people were transferred to […]

Botulism by vegetable salad served in Kabardino-Balkaria, Russia


Botulism outbreak in Russia. healthmap.org. Nov. 8, 2011. Vegetable salad served in Kabardino-Balkaria State Agricultural Academy’s dining room is believed to be the reason for the recent botulism outbreak the Russian North Caucasus Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria. About 48 people are currently hospitalized. Upon hospitalization all patients immediately received anti-botulism serum. Three people were transferred to […]

Commercially produced potato soups stored improperly and botulism in USA


Botulism and Potato Soup.By Vincent Iannelli, M.D., About.com Guide   July 7, 2011.We don’t here about botulism much these days, unless it is about someone getting botox injections. A new report from the CDC, "Botulism Caused by Consumption of Commercially Produced Potato Soups Stored Improperly — Ohio and Georgia, 2011," is a good reminder of just […]

About botulism


What Is Botulism? What Causes Botulism?.medicalnewstoday. December 14, 2009.  Botulism is a rare, but potentially fatal infection. It is caused by toxins produced by bacteria called Clostridium botulinum. The toxins produced by clostridium botulinum are the most powerful naturally occurring toxins known to science. "Botulism" comes from the Latin word, botulus, meaning "sausage".The nervous system […]

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