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Impact of high volume energy drink consumption on electrocardiographic and blood pressure parameters


Energy drinks may increase risk of heart function abnormalities and blood pressure changes. sciencedaily.com. May 29, 2019.Summary: Three to four hours after drinking 32 ounces of energy drinks, the heart’s electrical activity was abnormal compared to drinking a placebo drink. Two different commercially available energy drinks produced the same results, suggesting that energy drinks as […]

Taurine modulates acute ethanol induced social behavioral deficits in adult zebrafish


Mixing energy drinks with alcohol could enhance the negative effects of binge drinking. sciencedaily.com. August 14, 2018. Summary: A key ingredient of energy drinks could be exacerbating some of the negative effects of binge drinking according to a new study. Danio rerio (WP) A key ingredient of energy drinks could be exacerbating some of the […]

The high levels of caffeine in energy drink may lead to cardiac complications


Cardiac complications from energy drinks? Case report adds new evidence. sciencedaily.com. August 02, 2016. Summary:The high levels of caffeine in energy drinks may lead to cardiac complications, suggests a case report by experts. The case adds to previous reports of adverse cardiovascular events related to consuming energy drinks, including abnormal heart rhythms (arrhythmias). (Sertox) The […]

Energy drinks, alcohol, sports and traumatic brain injuries among adolescents, study


Energy drinks linked to traumatic brain injury in teens. sciencedaily.com. September 16, 2015. Energy drink consumption could interfere with recovery efforts. Summary: Teens who reported a traumatic brain injury in the past year were seven times more likely to have consumed at least five energy drinks in the past week than those without a history of […]

46 percent of energy drink ads aired on channels that likely appeal to teens, study


Teenage TV audiences and energy drink advertisements.eurekalert.org. March 06, 2015. 46 percent of energy drink ads aired on channels that likely appeal to teens, according to new study in the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior.Researchers at Dartmouth College examined a database of television advertisements broadcast between March 2012 and February 2013 on 139 network […]

US poison control centers:more than 40% of reports about energy drinks involved children younger 6


Poison control data show energy drinks and young kids don’t mix. sciencedaily.com. November 16, 2014. Summary: More than 40 percent of reports to the National Poison Data System for ‘energy drink exposure’ in a three-year span involved children under age 6. The effects of energy drinks in the reported cases included abnormal heart rhythms and […]

Inverse associations of total and decaffeinated coffee with liver enzyme levels in NHANES 1999-2010


Drinking decaf or regular coffee maybe good for the liver. sciencedaily.com. October 09, 2014.Summary:Researchers report that decaffeinated coffee drinking may benefit liver health. Results show that higher coffee consumption, regardless of caffeine content, was linked to lower levels of abnormal liver enzymes. This suggests that chemical compounds in coffee other than caffeine may help protect […]

The positive and negative effects of energy drinks with caffeine on athletes, study


Energy drinks cause insomnia, nervousness in athletes. sciencedaily.com. October 02, 2014. Summary:A study analyzing the positive and negative effects of energy drinks on athletes has seen that, although in principle their sports performance was seen to improve by between 3% and 7%, there was also an increase in the frequency of insomnia, nervousness and the level […]

So-called energy drinks, can cause heart problems according to research


Energy drinks cause heart problems, study suggests.sciencedaily.com.August 31, 2014.Summary:Energy drinks can cause heart problems according to research. "So-called ‘energy drinks’ are popular in dance clubs and during physical exercise, with people sometimes consuming a number of drinks one after the other. This situation can lead to a number of adverse conditions including angina, cardiac arrhythmia […]

Maternal coffee consumption during pregnancy and risk of childhood acute leukemia, study


Drinking Coffee During Pregnancy Raises Childhood Leukemia Risk Up To 70 Percent: Caffeine May Alter DNA In Fetus Cells. By Lizette Borreli. medicaldaily.com.  Auggust 19, 2014. Many of us drink a cup of coffee in the morning to jumpstart our day, and continue this addictive behavior throughout the day. One cup becomes two cups, and […]

The effect of energy drinks on the urge to drink alcohol in young adults, study


Energy Drink ‘Cocktails’ May Boost Desire to Drink More. nlm.nih.gov. 17/07/14. Alcohol plus Red Bull-type beverages might lead to binge-drinking, researcher suggests.Mixing caffeinated energy drinks with alcohol appears to boost the desire to keep on drinking, new research reveals. The finding from a small study of young adults suggests that the energy drink-booze combination could […]

Lithuania’s parliament banned the sale of high-caffeine drinks like Red Bull and Monster to minors


Lithuania Bans The Sale Of Energy Drinks To Minors; Drink Companies Feel Unfairly ‘Targeted’. By Sabrina Bachai. medicaldaily.com. May 16, 2014. Lithuania’s parliament banned the sale of high-caffeine drinks like Red Bull and Monster to minors. This is one of the first countries taking a stance to ban potentially harmful drinks to minors. "We hope […]

Caffeine and taurine containing energy drink improves systolic left-ventricular contractility


Energy Drinks Increase Risk Of Heartbeat Problems: Caffeine And Taurine Consumption Spike. By Lizette Borreli.medicaldaily.com. December 03, 2013. You may want to think twice before reaching for that energy-boosting caffeine and taurine drink; it may alter the way your heart functions. According to a recent study, healthy adults who consume energy drinks experience significant spikes […]

Energy drinks and alcohol: research supported by industry may be downplaying harms, BMJ editorial


Are Alcoholic Energy Drinks Bad For Your Health? One Editorial Says Research Could Be Downplaying The Effects. By Anthony Rivas. medicaldaily.com. September 12, 2013.Four Loko, one of 2010’s most popular alcoholic energy drinks may be without caffeine now, but people can still make vodka Red Bull, Jager bombs (Jagermeister and Red bull), and Crunk Juice […]

Energy drinks are twice as likely to cause irreversible damage to teeth than sports drinks


Energy, Sports Drinks Destroy Teeth, Says Study. abcnews.go.com.  May 3, 2012. Sugar may rot your teeth, but the acid in energy and sports drinks will also do some irreversible damage to those (not so) pearly whites, say researchers.A new study published in the journal General Dentistry found that energy and sports drinks contain so much […]

Energy drinks are twice as likely to cause irreversible damage to teeth than sports drinks


Energy, Sports Drinks Destroy Teeth, Says Study. abcnews.go.com.  May 3, 2012. Sugar may rot your teeth, but the acid in energy and sports drinks will also do some irreversible damage to those (not so) pearly whites, say researchers.A new study published in the journal General Dentistry found that energy and sports drinks contain so much […]

Bad call “Energy drinks” skyrockets, so do it also related health problems in US


ER Visits for Energy-Drink Ills Soar in U.S.Many patients combined the caffeine-loaded beverages with alcohol, other drugs, report finds.By Steven Reinberg.HealthDay Reporter. Nov. 22,2011. As the popularity of non-alcoholic "energy" drinks skyrockets, so do related health problems, a new study finds. In 2009, U.S. emergency rooms treated almost 10 times more cases of reactions to […]

Bad call “Energy drinks” skyrockets, so do it also related health problems in US


ER Visits for Energy-Drink Ills Soar in U.S.Many patients combined the caffeine-loaded beverages with alcohol, other drugs, report finds.By Steven Reinberg.HealthDay Reporter. Nov. 22,2011. As the popularity of non-alcoholic "energy" drinks skyrockets, so do related health problems, a new study finds. In 2009, U.S. emergency rooms treated almost 10 times more cases of reactions to […]

Energy drinks in Pediatrics: a danger to kids and young adults with serious medical problems


‘Pediatrics’ study disputes energy-drink claims. usatoday.com. February 13, 2011. By Nanci Hellmich. Some young people gulp drinks such as Red Bull, Full Throttle and Rockstar to boost their energy, concentration and athletic performance. But the caffeinated energy drinks don’t appear to provide the purported benefits and can cause problems, including serious medical complications, says a […]

Frequent consumption of caffeine-loaded beverages tied to greater boozing in study


Energy Drinks May Fuel College Kids’ Alcohol Use. By Alan MozesHealthDay Reporter .health.msn.com. November 16, 2010. College students who routinely consume highly caffeinated energy drinks are at significantly higher risk for becoming alcohol-dependent, new research suggests."What we found is that weekly drinkers of energy drinks are more likely to meet the criteria for alcohol dependence," […]

Alcohol plus caffeine equals a serious health threat


Caffeine plus alcohol equals a dangerous mix. theolympian.November 24, 2009.Under pressure from state attorneys general, the federal Food and Drug Administration has announced plans to crack down on 30 manufacturers of caffeinated alcoholic beverages.Dr. Joshua Sharfstein, principal deputy commissioner of food and drugs, said it’s time for the FDA to look into the safety and […]

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