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Arsenic level of 17 ppb like in Peñafiel brand is a clear violation of the US bottled water standard


Arsenic in Some Bottled Water Brands at Unsafe Levels, Consumer Reports Says. By Ryan Felton*. consumerreports.org. April 18, 2019. Keurig Dr Pepper suspends production of its Peñafiel brand, as CR urges a full recall and tougher federal standards. What you need to know. Natural foods grocery chain Whole Foods introduced its new brand of bottled […]

Environmental toxic metal contaminants and cardiovascular risk, study


Experts warn of cardiovascular risk from heavy metal pollution. eurekalert.org. August 29, 2018. Even low doses of toxic chemicals in the environment pose a significant risk to cardiovascular health, according to a report in today’s edition of The BMJ, led by researchers at the University of Cambridge. The researchers have also challenged the omission of […]

Subcellular distribution of arsenic and inhibition of chlorophyll biosynthesis, study


Arsenic accumulates in the nuclei of plants’ cells. eurekalert.org. June 24, 2016. X-ray study reveals distribution of the toxic metalloid in leaves. Toxic arsenic initially accumulates in the nuclei of plants’ cells. This has been revealed by an X-ray examination of the aquatic plant rigid hornwort (Ceratophyllum demersum) using DESY’s X-ray source PETRA III. Even […]

Arsenic in drinking water may explain the elevated bladder cancer risk in three New England


Well Water a Suspected Cause of Bladder Cancer in New England. By Robert Preidt.nlm.nih.gov. May 02, 2016. Researchers believe arsenic exposure might contribute to higher-than-normal rates.Arsenic in drinking water from private wells may explain the elevated bladder cancer risk among people in three New England states, a new study suggests.Bladder cancer rates in Maine, New […]

Association of rice and rice-product consumption with arsenic exposure early in life, study


Infants who ate rice, rice products had higher urinary concentrations of arsenic. sciencedaily.com. April 25, 2016. Summary: Although rice and rice products are typical first foods for infants, a new study found that infants who ate rice and rice products had higher urinary arsenic concentrations than those who did not consume any type of rice.Although […]

Placental arsenic concentrations in relation to maternal and infant biomarkers of exposure in a US c


Placenta reflects arsenic exposure in pregnant women, fetuses, study shows.sciencedaily.com. April 2, 2015. Summary: The placenta can be used to reliably measure arsenic exposure in pregnant women and how much of the toxic metal is transferred to their fetuses, a study shows in the largest ever analysis of household drinking water arsenic and the mother-to-fetus […]

Estimated exposure to arsenic in breastfed and formula-fed infants in a United States cohort


Baby formula poses higher arsenic risk to newborns than breast milk, study shows. sciencedaily.com. February 23, 2015. Summary: In the first US study of urinary arsenic in babies, researchers found that formula-fed infants had higher arsenic levels than breast-fed infants, and that breast milk itself contained very low arsenic concentrations.In the first U.S. study of urinary […]

IARC monographs; Arsenic, Metals, Fibres and Dusts


IARC MONOGRAPHS ON THE EVALUATION OF CARCINOGENIC RISKS TO HUMANS. Volume 100C (2012)Arsenic, Metals, Fibres and DustsView full volume in pdfView Lancet Oncology summary as html or pdfOrder this volume from WHO Press FRONT AND BACK MATTER  Cover  Contents and Note to the Reader  List of Participants  Preamble  General Remarks  List of Abbreviations  Cumulative Cross Index to IARC MonographsTHE MONOGRAPHSArsenic and Arsenic CompoundsBeryllium and […]

Arsenic contents in rice-based foods for children with celiac disease, study


Some rice-based foods for people with celiac disease contain relevant amounts of arsenic. sciencedaily.com.October 16, 2014. Summary: Rice is one of the few cereal grains consumed by people with celiac disease, as it does not contain gluten. However, it can have high concentrations of a toxic substance – arsenic – as revealed by the analyses of […]

Lung tumors in mice induced by “whole-life” inorganic arsenic exposure at human-relevant doses


Low doses of arsenic cause cancer in male mice. sciencedaily.com.July 08, 2014. Summary:Mice exposed to low doses of arsenic in drinking water, similar to what some people might consume, developed lung cancer, researchers have found. Arsenic levels in public drinking water cannot exceed 10 parts per billion (ppb), which is the standard set by the […]

People chronically exposed to low to moderate levels of arsenic linked to cardiovascular disease


Moderate Arsenic in Environment Tied to Higher Heart Attack, Stroke Risk.nlm.nih.gov. September 23, 2013. Researchers suspect groundwater and certain foods raised levels of chemical in study of Native Americans. People chronically exposed to low to moderate levels of arsenic in their environment may be more likely to suffer a heart attack, stroke or other cardiovascular […]

Vietnam: pumping draws arsenic toward a big-City aquifer


Massive groundwater withdrawals promote arsenic transport into an uncontaminated aquifer. eawag.ch. September 11,  2013.The 6.5 million inhabitants of Vietnam’s capital, Hanoi, are facing a growing threat: as more and more water is pumped from a deep – previously uncontaminated – aquifer, arsenic‑laden water from shallow sediments is advancing towards the city’s wells. These findings, confirming what had […]

FDA about rice with arsenic: the levels are too low to cause immediate negative health effects


Arsenic In Rice Detectable, But Too Low To Cause Immediate Negative Health Effects: FDA. By Nadia-Elysse Harris.medicaldaily.com. September 06, 2013. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) said Friday that, after testing 13,000 samples of popular rice products, most contained the human carcinogen arsenic. However, there is no cause for alarm because, although the arsenic […]

About 19.6 million people in China could be exposed to arsenic-contaminated drinking water


Millions In China Are Exposed To Arsenic In Drinking Water: Toxin Can Lead To Fatal Diseases.By Lecia Bushak.medicaldaily.com. August 24, 2013. A new study reports that about 19.6 million people in China could be exposed to arsenic-contaminated drinking water, thus increasing their risk for arsenic-related diseases such as cancer and heart disease.Researchers from Switzerland and […]

Arsenic in Brown Rice Syrup used in Organic Foods in USA: study in ehp


Arsenic, Organic Foods, and Brown Rice Syrup. Brian P. Jackson, Vivien F. Taylor, Margaret R. Karagas, Tracy Punshon, Kathryn L. Cottingham.  Environ Health Perspect doi:10.1289/ehp.1104619. Abstract; BACKGROUND: Rice can be a major source of inorganic arsenic (Asi) for many sub-populations. Rice products are also used as ingredients in prepared foods, some of which may not […]

Arsenic in Brown Rice Syrup used in Organic Foods in USA: study in ehp


Arsenic, Organic Foods, and Brown Rice Syrup. Brian P. Jackson, Vivien F. Taylor, Margaret R. Karagas, Tracy Punshon, Kathryn L. Cottingham.  Environ Health Perspect doi:10.1289/ehp.1104619. Abstract; BACKGROUND: Rice can be a major source of inorganic arsenic (Asi) for many sub-populations. Rice products are also used as ingredients in prepared foods, some of which may not […]

Consumer Reports Finds Arsenic In Juices in US


Arsenic in Apple Juice: A New Report Suggests Widespread Exposure.By Meredith Melnick. healthland.time.com. November 30, 2011.Common brands of apple juice and grape juice, which American children swig by the gallons, may have levels of arsenic that are high enough to increase the risk of chronic illnesses like cancer, diabetes and heart disease over time, according […]

Consumer Reports Finds Arsenic In Juices in US


Arsenic in Apple Juice: A New Report Suggests Widespread Exposure.By Meredith Melnick. healthland.time.com. November 30, 2011.Common brands of apple juice and grape juice, which American children swig by the gallons, may have levels of arsenic that are high enough to increase the risk of chronic illnesses like cancer, diabetes and heart disease over time, according […]

Arsenic in water linked TB risk


Arsenic-laced water ups TB risk: report. Reuters Health. January 07, 2011. New evidence from a region in Chile with a history of arsenic contamination in drinking water suggests the chemical may have a surprising effect: tuberculosis (TB). Ten years after arsenic leached into the water, rates of the lung infection shot up, peaking at twice […]

Arsenic-Metabolizing Bacteria in Extreme Environments


From  water.usgs.gov. December 2010. The health of millions of people around the world is at risk from drinking well water contaminated with arsenic. In general, this arsenic has been found to occur naturally, rather than coming from identifiable point sources of pollution. With increasing evidence that mobilization of arsenic from subterranean geologic formations into the […]

A pathway by which arsenic may be contaminating the drinking water in Bangladesh


MIT scientists pinpoint origin of dissolved arsenic in Bangladesh drinking water.brightsurf.November 16, 2009. Researchers in MIT’s Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering believe they have pinpointed a pathway by which arsenic may be contaminating the drinking water in Bangladesh, a phenomenon that has puzzled scientists, world health agencies and the Bangladeshi government for nearly 30 […]

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