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An approach that quickly and cheaply removes more than 99% of bisphenol A (BPA) from water


Catalysts efficiently and rapidly remove BPA from water. sciencedaily.com. August 02, 2017. Chemists have developed an approach that quickly and cheaply removes more than 99 percent of bisphenol A (BPA) from water. BPA, a ubiquitous and dangerous chemical used in the manufacturing of many plastics, is found in water sources around the world. Concerns over […]

A method to reduce the cost and simplify the process for detecting Nereistoxin


Cheap and simple detection of neurotoxic chemicals. sciencedaily.com. August o1, 2017. Chemical contamination from pesticides is a serious problem. Detection methods can be complicated, difficult to implement, and expensive. However, researchers have discovered a method to reduce the cost and simplify the process for detecting a neurotoxin found in several pesticides called Nereistoxin. It is […]

Quantitative and structural analyses of hazardous elements in Chinese medicines and herbs


Chinese traditional medicines: Do you know what you are buying?.sciencedaily.com. March 23, 2016. Summary: Chinese medicines are manufactured and distributed all over the world. Many people perceive them as natural, even benign and with few side effects, but regulation of human medicines fluctuates widely in different countries. Are they really as safe as we think? […]

European honeybees are being poisoned with up to 57 different pesticides, study


57 different pesticides found in poisoned honeybees. sciencedaily.com. March 10, 2016. A new method to detect a wide range of pesticides could help save bee populations. Summary: European honeybees are being poisoned with up to 57 different pesticides, according to new research. A new method for detecting a whole range of pesticides in bees could […]

Saliva test to detect GHB and alcohol poisonings


Novel saliva test could detect alcohol poisonings, ‘date rape’ drug. By Honor Whiteman. medicalnewstoday.com. January 11,  2016. There has been a dramatic rise in the number of alcohol-related emergency department visits in the US in recent years. But often, doctors find it challenging to quickly determine whether a patient’s symptoms are solely caused by too […]

Detection and quantitation of circulating human irisin by Tandem Mass Spectrometry, study


Exercise-induced hormone irisin is not a ‘myth’.sciencedaily.com. August 13, 2015. Summary: Irisin, a hormone linked to the positive benefits of exercise, was recently questioned to exist in humans. Two recent studies pointed to possible flaws in the methods used to identify irisin, with commercially available antibodies. The scientists who discovered irisin address this contentious issue […]

New approach analyzes exhaled breath using a highly sensitive method called LCMS* for Illegal Drugs


Breath Test for Illegal Drugs Instead of Urine Analysis?. By Robert Preidt. nlm.nih.gov.  March 10, 2015. Researchers say new method identifies contaminated aerosol particles. Scientists report they’ve developed a breath drug test that offers an alternative to urine testing. Urine analysis is the most common way to test people for illegal drug use. But critics […]

New test strip that can detect botulism in foods and provide results in less than 20 minutes


Botulism-causing Toxins Detected Promptly by ARS-developed Test Strip. By Marcia Wood. ars.usda.gov. February 7, 2014. Botulism, the sometimes deadly illness commonly associated with botched home-canning or other stored-food mishaps, has a new face. According to U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) molecular biologist Robert M. Hnasko, botulism today is both a food safety and a homeland […]

Nanoformulation for enhanced solubility and delivery of curcumin, study


Cancer Treatment Developed From Curry Compound Could Revolutionize Cancer Research.  By Justin Caba. medicaldaily.com. December 06, 2013.At home cancer remedies rarely carry any scientific validity, causing them to be discarded by the cancer research community. A research team from the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences has developed an experimental treatment for cancer that […]

Repeated resveratrol treatment attenuates methamphetamine-induced hyperactivity, study


Natural Compound Mitigates Effects of Methamphetamine Abuse, University of Missouri Researchers Find. missouri.edu. November 19, 2013. Studies have shown that resveratrol, a natural compound found in colored vegetables, fruits and especially grapes, may minimize the impact of Parkinson’s disease, stroke and Alzheimer’s disease in those who maintain healthy diets or who regularly take resveratrol supplements. […]

Discovery of a new botulinum toxin type H, now the deadliest substance ever known


New Botulinum Toxin Deemed Deadliest Substance Ever: Sniffing 13-Billionths Of A Gram Can Kill. By Chris Weller.medicaldaily.com. October 15, 2013. A newly discovered botulinum toxin, now the eighth family of the protein to be discovered by scientists, has been called the deadliest substance ever known. Because no antidote has yet been created, the gene sequence […]

Sea anemones venom is being used by researchers to treat Multiple Sclerosis


Sea anemones venom key to Multiple Sclerosis treatment. healthcanal.com. July 22, 2012. Sea anemones use venomous stinging tentacles to stun their prey, but one component of that venom is being used by researchers to treat the debilitating effects of Multiple Sclerosis (MS).A new class of drug treatment is about to commence clinical trials, as the […]

Sea anemones venom is being used by researchers to treat Multiple Sclerosis


Sea anemones venom key to Multiple Sclerosis treatment. healthcanal.com. July 22, 2012. Sea anemones use venomous stinging tentacles to stun their prey, but one component of that venom is being used by researchers to treat the debilitating effects of Multiple Sclerosis (MS).A new class of drug treatment is about to commence clinical trials, as the […]

Self-illuminating polymers with the ability to home in on toxic prions and render them harmless


Prion busting molecules. cordis.europa.eu.  June 15, 2012.Newly developed self-illuminating polymers have been intentionally designed with the ability to home in on toxic prions and render them harmless, offering the potential to cure fatal nerve-destroying illnesses. This Swedish-Swiss study was supported in part by the LUPAS (‘Luminescent polymers for in vivo imaging of amyloid signatures’) project, […]

A terminal uranium nitride compound create which is stable at room temperature and easy to stored


Scientists create ‘trophy molecule’ that could revolutionise nuclear industry. cordis.europa.eu. July 03, 2012. Researchers have created a stable version of a ‘trophy molecule’ that has eluded scientists for decades and could lead to the production of cleaner nuclear energy. Writing in the journal Science, the team, made up of scientists from the universities of Nottingham and […]

Self-illuminating polymers with the ability to home in on toxic prions and render them harmless


Prion busting molecules. cordis.europa.eu.  June 15, 2012.Newly developed self-illuminating polymers have been intentionally designed with the ability to home in on toxic prions and render them harmless, offering the potential to cure fatal nerve-destroying illnesses. This Swedish-Swiss study was supported in part by the LUPAS (‘Luminescent polymers for in vivo imaging of amyloid signatures’) project, […]

A terminal uranium nitride compound create which is stable at room temperature and easy to stored


Scientists create ‘trophy molecule’ that could revolutionise nuclear industry. cordis.europa.eu. July 03, 2012. Researchers have created a stable version of a ‘trophy molecule’ that has eluded scientists for decades and could lead to the production of cleaner nuclear energy. Writing in the journal Science, the team, made up of scientists from the universities of Nottingham and […]

Gestating female rats exposed to vinclozolin have effects across generations of animals


Today’s environment influences behavior generations later: research.phys.org. May 21, 2012. Researchers at The University of Texas at Austin and Washington State University have seen an increased reaction to stress in animals whose ancestors were exposed to an environmental compound generations earlier. The findings, published in the latest Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, put […]

Gestating female rats exposed to vinclozolin have effects across generations of animals


Today’s environment influences behavior generations later: research.phys.org. May 21, 2012. Researchers at The University of Texas at Austin and Washington State University have seen an increased reaction to stress in animals whose ancestors were exposed to an environmental compound generations earlier. The findings, published in the latest Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, put […]

‘DNA immunoprecipitation with microarray detection’ Technology Tests used like Biosensors


Dip Chip Technology Tests Toxicity On the Go. sciencedaily.com. May 14, 2012).  From human-made toxic chemicals such as industrial by-products to poisons that occur naturally, a water or food supply can be easily contaminated. And for every level of toxic material ingested, there is some level of bodily response, ranging from minor illness to painful […]

‘DNA immunoprecipitation with microarray detection’ Technology Tests used like Biosensors


Dip Chip Technology Tests Toxicity On the Go. sciencedaily.com. May 14, 2012).  From human-made toxic chemicals such as industrial by-products to poisons that occur naturally, a water or food supply can be easily contaminated. And for every level of toxic material ingested, there is some level of bodily response, ranging from minor illness to painful […]

Conotoxin gene sequences from the genomic DNA of four closely related Conus species


Slow snails, fast genes: Predatory snails refine venoms through continuous gene duplication. ns.umich.edu. Mar 29, 2012.By Jim Erickson. When tropical marine cone snails sink their harpoon-like teeth into their prey, they inject paralyzing venoms made from a potent mix of more than 100 different neurotoxins.Biologists have known for more than a decade that the genes […]

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