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Portal latinoamericano de toxicología


To preserve the health of all fire fighters from the potentially life-threatening effects of CO


Global Campaign Launched to Raise Awareness of Carbon Monoxide-Related Risks for Firefighters.emsresponder. July 23, 2009. The International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF) and Masimo jointly announced the launch of a new international health and safety initiative aimed at educating fire fighters about the duty-related dangers of carbon monoxide (CO) and reducing known risk factors that […]

Award to UNC


UNC awarded grant to improve understanding of chemical effects on environment, health. UNC news, June 25, 2008.The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has awarded the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Public Health a $3.4 million grant to help strengthen the school’s research portfolio in computational toxicology and bioinformatics.  [ See ]Image […]

A new paper from Javier Waksman


Contrast Sensitivity in Occupational and Environmental Neurotoxicology: What Does it Really Mean?. Waksman JC, Brody A.Arch Environ Occup Health. 2007 Winter;62(4):177-81. Abstract: Contrast sensitivity (CS) emerged more than 30 years ago as an alternative to traditional acuity testing, and recently it has become the focus of attention in the field of neurotoxicology. CS testing may […]

We need also …powerset !


Powerset brings the Semantic Web to Wikipedia. News.som.May 11, 2008.Amid speculation that Microsoft is looking to make an acquisition, Powerset launched a public beta of its Wikipedia search engine. It brings a new, rich semantic dimension via natural language query processing to Wikipedia that greatly improves the search and reading experience. [ See ]

Good for Eduardo Arias


The Everyman Who Exposed Tainted Toothpaste.New York Times.Oct.1,2007. Eduardo Arias hardly fits the profile of someone capable of humbling one of the world’s most formidable economic powers. A truck leaving the Colón Free Trade Zone in Panama. Some of the contaminated toothpaste from China that wound up on store shelves this year had been shipped […]

Congratulations for


Award to an investigator of the UNL by work in juice. El litoral.com, Sept 5, 2007. Nilda Marsili received prize Jose A. Catoggio, granted by the Argentine Association of Analytical Chemistry, by a research on additives in juice. It developed several economic, fast and clean methods to quantify some food additives.Only available in Spanish. You […]

New Directory of Toxicology


Congratulations to  Diego González Machín and Carmen Caparó by the launching of the new Directory Toxicology – Sustainable Development that it includes the data of: 124 Information Toxicologic Centers and related institutions;  152 Toxicology Laboratories;10 Centers of Chemical Answer; and 17 Societies, Associations and Networks of Toxicology of Latin America and the Caribbean. In addition […]

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