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Toxic Gas, CO2

Elevated levels of nitrogen dioxide in the air may be associated with a high number of deaths from Covid-19

Contaminación del aire

Corona and air pollution: How does nitrogen dioxide impact fatalities? eurekalert.org. 20/04/2020. Elevated levels of nitrogen dioxide in the air may be associated with a high number of deaths from Covid-19. A new study by Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU) provides concrete data that back this assumption for the first time. The paper combines satellite […]

Global,national & urban burdens of paediatric asthma incidence attributable to ambient NO2 pollution


Millions of children worldwide develop asthma annually due to traffic-related pollution. sciencedaily.com.  April 10, 2019. Summary: About 4 million children worldwide develop asthma each year because of inhaling nitrogen dioxide air pollution, according to a new study. The study, based on data from 2010 to 2015, estimates that 64 percent of these new cases of asthma […]

Estimates of pollutants on asthma incidence and emergency room visits, study


Air pollution leads to millions of ER visits for asthma attacks worldwide. eurekalert.org. Octuber 24, 2018. First study to quantify global burden of asthma linked to dirty air. Nine to 33 million visits to the emergency room (ER) for asthma worldwide may be triggered by breathing in air polluted by ozone or fine particulate matter–pollutants […]

Volatile chemical products emerging as largest petrochemical source of urban organic emissions


Consumer and industrial products now a dominant urban air pollution source. sciencedaily.com. February 15, 2018. New study finds surprisingly high contribution from paints, pesticides, perfumes as vehicle emissions drop. Summary: Chemical products that contain compounds refined from petroleum, like household cleaners, pesticides, paints and perfumes, now rival motor vehicle emissions as the top source of […]

Rising atmospheric methane is being driven by biological sources, study


How wetlands and agriculture, not fossil fuels, could be causing a global rise in methane. sciencedaily.com. September 27, 2016. Summary: Recent rises in levels of methane in our atmosphere is being driven by biological sources, such as swamp gas, cow burps, or rice fields, rather than fossil fuel emissions, new research suggests.Research published in the […]

Air pollution particles from coal are far more dangerous to your health than those from other source


Pollution From Coal Burning Most Damaging to Health, Study Finds. By Robert Preidt. nlm.nih.gov. December 02, 2015. It’s 5 times more dangerous for the heart than same-sized particles from other sources, researchers say. Air pollution particles from the burning of coal are far more dangerous to your health than those from other sources, a new […]

Reduced carbon emission estimates from fossil fuel combustion and cement production in China, study


China’s carbon emissions were less than previously thought, new estimates show. sciencedaily.com. August 19, 2015. Summary:China’s carbon emissions have been substantially over estimated by international agencies for more than 10 years, according to research. A research team re-evaluated emissions from the burning of fossil fuels and cement production from 1950-2013. They used independently assessed activity […]

Small particles from fireworks can harm the lungs, scientists find


Fireworks Can Spark Bump in Air Pollution, Study Finds. By Mary Elizabeth Dallas. nlm.nih.gov. July 01, 2015. July Fourth favorites release small particles that can harm the lungs, scientists find.Most Americans know that fireworks can injure the eyes and hands, but these Fourth of July favorites can also take a toll on the lungs, a […]

Efficiency of short-lived halogens at influencing climate through depletion of stratospheric ozone


New ozone-destroying gases on the rise; not controlled by treaty.sciencedaily.com. February 16, 2015.Summary: Scientists report that chemicals that are not controlled by a United Nations treaty designed to protect the Ozone Layer are contributing to ozone depletion.Scientists report that chemicals that are not controlled by a United Nations treaty designed to protect the Ozone Layer […]

Spain: Toxic cloud spreads after chemical blast in Igualada


All clear given over Catalan toxic cloud. thelocal.es. February 12, 2015. Officials have given the "all clear" over a toxic cloud, hours after warning the residents of the town of Igualada in Catalonia to stay inside.Emergency services give partial all clear for people to leave their homes. Children, the elderly, pregnant women and people with […]

Direct human influence on atmospheric CO2 seasonality from increased cropland productivity, study


Boosts in productivity of corn and other crops modify Northern Hemisphere carbon dioxide cycle.  sciencedaily.com. November 19, 2014. Summary: In the Northern Hemisphere, there’s a strong seasonal cycle of vegetation. Each year in the Northern Hemisphere, levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide drop in the summer as plants "inhale," then climb again as they exhale after […]

Photos and video from Kawah Ijen in Indonesia


‘Blue Volcano’ Kawah Ijen Burns In Indonesia.huffingtonpost.co.uk. April 22, 2014. Volcanoes are terrifying, dramatic features of the natural world. But images of them are pretty familiar to anyone with a taste for photography, geology or Hollywood movies.Until, that is, they burn blue.See more photos Kawah Ijen, Java, Indonesia (WP) These incredible pictures were taken by […]

63% of carbon dioxide contamination in the planet caused by 90 companies, study


Just 90 companies caused two-thirds of man-made global warming emissions. By Suzanne Goldenberg.theguardian.com. November 20, 2013. Chevron, Exxon and BP among companies most responsible for climate change since dawn of industrial age, figures show.The climate crisis of the 21st century has been caused largely by just 90 companies, which between them produced nearly two-thirds of […]

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