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The concurrent decline of soil lead and blood lead of children in New Orleans, study


Study finds topsoil is key harbinger of lead exposure risks for children. sciencedaily.com. October 14, 2019. Summary: Tracking lead levels in soil over time is critical for cities to determine lead contamination risks for their youngest and most vulnerable residents, according to a new study.Tracking lead levels in soil over time is critical for cities […]

The legacy lead deposition in soils and its impact on cognitive function in preschool-aged children


Higher lead in topsoil boosts probability of cognitive difficulties in 5-year-old boys. sciencedaily.com. April 10, 2019. Summary: Researchers sought to estimate the effects of exposure to lead in topsoil on the cognitive ability of 5-year-olds in the United States.  Niños/kids (Sertox) The study found that higher lead in topsoil significantly increases the probability that 5-year-old […]

Study about waterborne exposure of adult zebrafish to silver nanoparticles


Silver nanoparticles are toxic for aquatic organisms. eurekalert.org. September 18, 2018. A research team at the UPV/EHU-University of the Basque Country has analysed how zebrafish are affected in the long term by exposure to silver particles. Danio rerio (WP) CAPTIONThe UPV/EHU’s Cell Biology in Environmental Toxicology research group has analysed adult zebrafish to find out […]

Environmental toxic metal contaminants and cardiovascular risk, study


Experts warn of cardiovascular risk from heavy metal pollution. eurekalert.org. August 29, 2018. Even low doses of toxic chemicals in the environment pose a significant risk to cardiovascular health, according to a report in today’s edition of The BMJ, led by researchers at the University of Cambridge. The researchers have also challenged the omission of […]

Industrial sea fishing may be exposing people to excessively high levels of mercury


Mercury rising: Are the fish we eat toxic?  eurekalert.org. May 03, 2018. Canadian researchers say industrial sea fishing may be exposing people in coastal and island nations to excessively high levels of mercury. The amount of mercury extracted from the sea by industrial fishing has grown steadily since the 1950s, potentially increasing mercury exposure among […]

Low-level lead exposure and mortality in US adults, study


Historical lead exposure may be linked to 256,000 premature deaths from cardiovascular disease in adults in United States each year. sciencedaily.com. March 12, 2018. Summary: New estimates suggest that 256,000 premature deaths from cardiovascular disease — including 18,5000 deaths from ischemic heart disease — in the United States may be linked to historical lead exposure […]

Exposure to higher levels of lead during early childhood not are doomed to delinquency


No Link Between Childhood Lead Levels, Later Criminality. By Alan Mozes. medlineplus.gov. December 27, 2017. Exposure to higher levels of lead during early childhood can affect neurological development — but does that mean affected kids are doomed to delinquency? No, according to a new study that tracked the lives of hundreds of New Zealand children […]

Grey mangrove trees, Avicennia marina, filter heavy metals out of the surrounding soil and water


Mangroves vital for environmental decontamination. sciencedaily.com. August 03, 2017. Mangrove trees, particularly their leaf litter, filter copper out of soil and water in Indonesia.Grey mangrove trees, Avicennia marina, filter heavy metals out of the surrounding soil and water. A new study from Indonesia has found that their leaf litter accumulates the most copper, followed by […]

Exposure to lead from glazes that line traditional Mexican ceramics can be toxic


Some Mexican Ceramics Can Serve Up Lead Poisoning. medlineplus.gov. October 20, 2016. Canadian woman’s illness highlights danger from glazes with high lead levels, doctors say. A charming ceramic reminder of a Mexican vacation could end up giving you lead poisoning, a new study warns. Exposure to high concentrations of lead — often found in glazes […]

Epidemiologic characteristics of children with blood lead levels ≥45 μg/dL in US


Severe lead poisoning in children: Causes and risk factors. sciencedaily.com. October 19, 2016. Summary:Although national and local policies have reduced the prevalence of lead poisoning in the United States, severe cases still occur.  Whereas, exposures at blood lead levels (BLLs) as low as 5 µg/dL have been associated with long-term irreversible cognitive deficits, more severe […]

Rockcress of the Arabidopsis halleri species for heavy-metal clean up, study


Rockcress for heavy-metal clean up. sciencedaily.com. October 14, 2016. Summary: Rockcress of the Arabidopsis halleri species is known to possess the capability of settling on hostile, heavy metal-contaminated soil. It stores extraordinary high concentrations of certain toxic heavy metals in its leaves: a rare property. Researchers have analyzed approx. 2,000 specimens of this species from […]

Chemical forms of mercury in human hair reveal sources of exposure, study


Tracking down the origin of mercury contamination in human hair. sciencedaily.com. September 22, 2016. Summary:Mercury is a potent neurotoxin present in our daily lives and our body can accumulate it over the years. Food consumption, such as fish and rice, is the most common source of mercury exposure. Mercury can be found in dental amalgams, […]

Trivia # 342: mercury in nature


Toxicological trivia from July 29, 2016: Mercury is a chemical element with symbol Hg and atomic number 80. It is commonly known as quicksilver and was formerly named hydrargyrum.Mercury is an extremely rare element in Earth’s crust, having an average crustal abundance by mass of only 0.08 parts per million (ppm). Because it does not […]

Even low levels of lead exposure previously considered safe can cause problems in kids


No Amount of Lead Is Safe for Kids. By Robert Preidt. nlm.nih.gov. June 20, 2016. American Academy of Pediatrics calls for stronger regulations and new laws to protect children. No amount of lead exposure is safe for children, and stricter regulations are needed to protect youngsters from this serious health threat, the American Academy of […]

Three-Point Plan for Eliminating Lead: Find It, Fix It, Fund It


In wake of Flint crisis, new proposal seeks to ‘focus on the fix’ for lead poisoning. sciencedaily.com. May 27, 2016.Leading expert outlines three-point plan to eliminate lead. The crisis of lead-contaminated drinking water in Flint, Michigan continues to make headlines, but it’s just the most prominent example of an ‘ongoing and needless tragedy of childhood […]

Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report: Elevated blood lead levels among employed adults in US


Elevated Blood Lead Levels Among Employed Adults — United States, 1994–2012. By Walter A. Alarcon (State Adult Blood Lead Epidemiology and Surveillance (ABLES) Program investigators) .cdc.gov. October 23, 2015 / 62(54);52-75. Preface: The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) and state health departments collect data on laboratory-reported adult blood lead levels (BLLs). This […]

The disposal and recycling of electronic devices has increased exposure to lead and other toxicants


Doctor warns about lead poisoning risk from recycling older electronic equipment. sciencedaily.com. July 28, 2015.Summary: The disposal and recycling of electronic devices has increased exposure to lead and other toxicants and created ‘an emerging health concern,’ according to a pediatrician who has expertise in the area.In a recent Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, published by […]

Trivia # 283: wild waterfowl and lead


Toxicological trivia from April 29, 2015: In May 2012 we published a talk about the theme ‘Lead Hunting in wild waterfowl from  Santa Fe‘. The summary mentioned that: "The negative impacts of pollution with this heavy metal, particularly in wetlands, have been documented worldwide, and its association with health problems for wildlife, the environment and […]

US: Mercury exposure and antinuclear antibodies among females of reproductive age, study


Exposure to mercury, seafood associated with risk factor for autoimmune disease.sciencedaily.com. February 10, 2015. Summary: One of the greatest risk factors for autoimmunity among women of childbearing age may be associated with exposure to mercury such as through seafood, a new study says. Mercury — even at low levels generally considered safe — was associated […]

From N Engl J Med 2014: Elemental mercury embolism to the lungs


Images in clinical medicine: Elemental mercury embolism to the lungs. rancisco Gutiérrez, M.D., and Lucio Leon, M.D.N Engl J Med 2000; 342:1791June 15, 2000. DOI: 10.1056/NEJM200006153422405. Figure 1 A 21-year-old dental assistant attempted suicide by injecting 10 ml (135 g) of elemental mercury (quicksilver) intravenously. She presented to the emergency room with tachypnea, a dry […]

IARC monographs; Arsenic, Metals, Fibres and Dusts


IARC MONOGRAPHS ON THE EVALUATION OF CARCINOGENIC RISKS TO HUMANS. Volume 100C (2012)Arsenic, Metals, Fibres and DustsView full volume in pdfView Lancet Oncology summary as html or pdfOrder this volume from WHO Press FRONT AND BACK MATTER  Cover  Contents and Note to the Reader  List of Participants  Preamble  General Remarks  List of Abbreviations  Cumulative Cross Index to IARC MonographsTHE MONOGRAPHSArsenic and Arsenic CompoundsBeryllium and […]

Aluminium content of human semen: implications for semen quality


Exposure to aluminum may impact on male fertility, research suggests. sciencedaily.com. October 21, 2014.Summary:Human exposure to aluminum may be a significant factor in falling sperm counts and reduced male fertility, new research suggests. Fluorescence microscopy using an aluminum-specific stain confirmed the presence of aluminum in semen and showed aluminum inside individual sperm.Aluminium symbol from the […]

Even at low levels, lead is associated with obesity in mice whose mothers were exposed to the chemic


Lead linked to obesity in mice exposed by mothers. sciencedaily.com. August 8, 2014.Summary:When we think of ill effects from lead exposure various neurologic problems usually come to mind. Now researchers say another health impact can be added to the list: obesity. Even at low levels, lead is associated with obesity in mice whose mothers were […]

Earthjustice: FDA’s failure to respond to our petition about mercury in seafood


FDA sued for seafood health information.fis.com. March 14, 2014. Consumer protection and environmental advocates filed a lawsuit in federal district court this week against the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for failing to respond to a July 2011 petition in which the groups asked the FDA to give consumers clear, accurate and accessible information […]

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