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Home Intoxications

Fluoride exposure alters Ca2 signaling and mitochondrial function in enamel cells, study


How too much fluoride causes defects in tooth enamel. sciencedaily.com. February 18, 2020. Changes within enamel cells point to mechanism by which excessive fluoride leads to fluorosis. Summary: Exposing teeth to excessive fluoride alters calcium signaling, mitochondrial function, and gene expression in the cells forming tooth enamel — a novel explanation for how dental fluorosis, […]

Frequent exposure to common household cleaning products can increase a child’s risk of developing asthma


Exposure to cleaning products in first 3 months of life increases risk of childhood asthma. sciencedaily.com.  February 18, 2020. Summary: New research shows that frequent exposure to common household cleaning products can increase a child’s risk of developing asthma. New research from the CHILD Cohort Study shows that frequent exposure to common household cleaning products […]

Damage to the lining of the stomach can occur quickly when children swallow button batteries


Button batteries can rapidly damage stomach lining before symptoms appear. sciencedaily.com. May 18, 2019. Experts recommend changing current practice of watchful waiting. Summary: Damage to the lining of the stomach can occur quickly when children swallow button batteries; therefore, clinicians should consider prompt endoscopic removal, even when the child is symptom free and the battery […]

Children exposure to chemicals emitted from the home environment, study


Children carry evidence of toxins from home flooring and furniture. eurekalert.org. February 17, 2019. Vinyl flooring and fire retardant furniture foam apparently to blame. Children living in homes with all vinyl flooring or flame-retardant chemicals in the sofa have significantly higher concentrations of potentially harmful semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) in their blood or urine than […]

Cleaning at home and at work in relation to lung function decline and airway obstruction, study


Women who clean at home or work face increased lung function decline. sciencedaily.com. February 16, 2018. Women who work as cleaners or regularly use cleaning sprays or other cleaning products at home appear to experience a greater decline in lung function over time than women who do not clean, according to new research. Productos de […]

Breast Cancer linked to certain Hair Dyes and chemical Relaxers


Could Certain Hair Dyes, Relaxers Raise Breast Cancer Risk? medlineplus.gov. June 20, 2017. Study findings differ by race, but one expert says they’re inconclusive.The safety of hair products has been debated for years. Now, new research suggests that black women who use dark hair dyes face a higher risk of breast cancer, while chemical relaxers […]

Household dust contains a wide range of toxic chemicals, study


45 Potential Toxins Found in Household Dust. medlineplus.gov. September 14, 2016.  Chemicals come from everyday products such as furniture, carpeting, electronics and toys, researchers say. Household dust contains a wide range of toxic chemicals, potentially exposing people to harmful compounds in their own homes, a new evidence review contends.Researchers identified 45 potentially toxic chemicals in […]

Unintentional pediatric exposures to marijuana in Colorado, 2009-2015


Marijuana exposure in kids rose after recreational use legalized in Colorado. sciencedaily.com. July 25, 2016. Summary: The legalization of recreational marijuana in Colorado was associated with both increased hospital visits and cases at a regional poison center because of unintentional exposure to the drug by children, suggesting effective preventive measures are needed as more states […]

Children younger than age 6 accounted for 94 percent of laundry pod cases in US


3 in 4 youngsters exposed to laundry pod detergent suffer poisoning. By Robert Preidt. medlineplus.gov. July 21, 2016.  Hospitalizations 4 times more common with pods compared to other detergents, study finds. Brightly colored laundry detergent pods pose a much greater risk to young children than other types of detergents, a new study finds. Researchers reviewed […]

US: contents of glow sticks can irritate skin, eyes, mouth, poison-control experts say


Beware Broken Glow Sticks. By Robert Preidt. nlm.nih.gov. July 04, 2016. Contents can irritate skin, eyes, mouth, poison-control experts say.Letting kids chew or cut glow sticks is a bad idea, health experts say. While safer than sparklers and fireworks, pliable glow-in-the-dark products are easily broken open when put in the mouth. The contents can irritate […]

Laundry pod detergents pose an increased risk of severe injury for young children over nonpod deterg


Poisoning risk to small children from laundry pods. sciencedaily.com. June 27, 2016. Summary: A new study says laundry pod detergents pose an increased risk of severe injury for young children over nonpod detergents.Laundry pod detergents are far more likely to cause poisoning injuries in young children than are nonpod laundry detergents, and are four times […]

Prenatal household substances exposures and executive function in school-age children


Prenatal Exposure to Household Chemicals Hurts Kids’ Cognition.medscape.com. By Liam Davenport. February 02, 2016. Exposure to common household chemicals such as those found in nonstick cooking pans, upholstery, carpet pads, and electronics during pregnancy may lead to poorer cognitive and behavioral development during childhood, new research shows.In an analysis of more than 250 mother-child pairs, […]

Mistletoe and holly berries should be placed out of reach, US expert advises


Holiday Plants Can Pose Health Risks to Kids, Pets.  By Robert Preidt. nlm.nih.gov.  December 25, 2015. Mistletoe, holly berries and poinsettias should be placed out of reach, expert advises. Those decorative plants may add holiday sparkle to your home, but they may also pose a risk to children and pets, an expert cautions.All parts of […]

Florida: Instead of the eye drops the friend accidentally handed a woman fingernail glue


Mother-of-two, 28, was left blind in one eye after a friend accidentally handed her a bottle of GLUE instead of eye drops. By Snejana Farberov.dailymail.co.uk.October 08, 2015.Katherine Gaydos, 28, of Florida, was involved in the freak accident last weekThe single mother spent more than eight days with her left eye glued tightly shot She said a […]

Asbestos fibers have been found in crayons and other toys sold in the US


Asbestos Found in Kids’ Crayons, Toy Kits: Report. By Alan Mozes. consumer.healthday.com. July 08, 2015. Health experts, big retailer say they’re concerned about findings on products from China.Asbestos fibers have been found in crayons and other toys sold in the United States, according to a new report from an environmental health advocacy group. The fibers […]

Trivia # 286: poisonings at dawn


Toxicological Trivia from May 20, 2015: While some members of Sertox enjoy the spectacular sunrises over the Parana river at Rosario, others cater to service queries. Of 22422 visits for intoxications registered with Rectox since 2000, only 1.66% occur between 6 am and 8 am. Comparing the intentional and unintentional motivations, what will be more […]

Domestic use of bleach and infections in children, study


Passive exposure to bleach at home linked to higher childhood infection rate. eurekalert.org. April 02, 2015. Effects modest, but widespread use of bleach adds up to public health concern, say researchers.  Passive exposure to bleach in the home is linked to higher rates of childhood respiratory and other infections, suggests research published online in Occupational […]

US: there were a child every hour exposed to the concentrated chemicals in laundry detergent pods


Laundry detergent pods a serious poisoning risk for children younger than 6 in U.S., study finds. sciencedaily.com. November 10, 2014. Summary: After releasing the results of a new study detailing the dangers of laundry detergent pods, researchers are calling for a national product safety standard in an effort to better protect children. The study showed […]

Simple battery armor to protect against gastrointestinal injury from accidental ingestion, study


Putting batteries in a kidsafe coat of armor. sciencedaily.com.November 03, 2014.Summary: Researchers have developed a simple ‘coat of armor’ to encase small batteries, rendering them harmless if they are ever swallowed.A Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH) led team has developed a simple "coat of armor" to encase small batteries, rendering them harmless if they are ever […]

US- NIIH*: Narcotic painkillers, addiction medications and sedatives in top the list


Small Number of Drugs Behind Kids’ Accidental Poisonings: CDC. nlm.nih.gov.  September 15, 2014. Narcotic painkillers, addiction medications and sedatives top the list.A relatively small number of medications are responsible for sending thousands of young children to the hospital for accidental ingestion, a U.S. government study finds.Each year between 2007 and 2011, about 9,500 U.S. children […]

NEJM: a case of a child who was poisoned by e-cigarette refill liquid


Nicotine Poisoning in an Infant. nejm.org. May 7, 2014. DOI: 10.1056/NEJMc1403843. Reports to U.S. poison control centers of possible nicotine toxicity tripled from 2012 to 2013.1,2 Although nicotine toxicity is not a new phenomenon, the emergence of electronic cigarettes (“e-cigarettes”) has spawned a market for highly concentrated liquid nicotine. This phenomenon has resulted in unprecedented […]

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