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Portal latinoamericano de toxicología

Country: Venezuela

Trivia # 302: Spilotes pullatus


Toxicological trivia from September 16, 2015:  Spilotes pullatus, commonly known as the caninana,chicken snake, yellow rat snake, or serpiente tigre, is a species of large nonvenomous colubrid snake endemic to Mesoamerica. It is found in southern Central America, northern South America, and Trinidad and Tobago.It tends to inhabit forested areas, and is often found near […]

Trivia # 205: Tityus quirogae in Venezuela, study


Toxicological trivia from September 06, 2013: Researchers from the East and Central University of Venezuela published new findings about morphological alterations found in scorpions "Tityus quirogae", a species of great medical importance because of the powerful poison that has . In how many copies, of the 100 arthropods studied, found alterations in the shell, teeth […]

From Venezuela


Aura Blanco. Venezuelan Nurse. (April 2008). I was reviewing your Website: very interesting! I would love to have (maybe you could send to me?) a list of agents with which children may be poisoned as well as their respective antidote. A month ago a child aged 6 was admitted in our emergency service after having […]

Epidemiology of poisoning in Venezuela


Marisela Diaz Tremarias, Associate Professor, Head of the Chair of Toxicology. Faculty of Medicine. Central University of Venezuela. (April 2008). I have some students that, in trying to establish the epidemiology of poisoning at the University Hospital of Caracas, found that it is only possible by lifting information from those cases which required hospitalization, because […]

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