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Self-report and urine drug tests among primary care patients on buprenorphine, study


Urine drug testing may be important in early phases of addiction treatment. sciencedaily.com. December 20, 2018. Summary: A new study shows that urine drug testing can be a useful tool to treat patients with opioid use disorder in a primary care setting.A new study performed by Boston Medical Center (BMC) and faculty at the Boston […]

A compound of certain brain-cell receptors can reverse signs of cocaine dependency in rodents


Study supports new strategy to fight cocaine addiction. sciencedaily.com. August 18, 2016. Summary: Strong evidence supporting a new strategy against drug addiction has been revealed by research. The researchers showed that a compound that inhibits the activity of certain brain-cell receptors can reverse signs of cocaine dependency in rodents.An international team led by scientists at […]

A new study supports the idea that cocaine triggers brain cells to eat themselves


New Evidence in Mice That Cocaine Makes Brain Cells Cannibalize Themselves. hopkinsmedicine.org. January 19, 2016. Share fast factsCocaine causes cell’s housekeeper to throw out the good stuff.Brain cells digest their own insides after high doses of cocaine. – How does cocaine cause brain cell death? – Compound counteracts the process. Working with mice, researchers at Johns Hopkins have […]

A back door to recruit and maintain dependent cocaine-seeking habits, study


Cocaine addiction: Scientists discover ‘back door’ into the brain.sciencedaily.com. January 12, 2016. Summary: Individuals addicted to cocaine may have difficulty in controlling their addiction because of a previously-unknown ‘back door’ into the brain, circumventing their self-control, suggests a new study.Individuals addicted to cocaine may have difficulty in controlling their addiction because of a previously-unknown ‘back […]

Meth and Coke take a greater toll on addicted brains from women compared to men, researchers say


Meth, Coke Addiction May Affect Brains of Women More Than Men. nlm.nih.gov. July 14, 2015. It’s not clear why past drug dependence is linked to less gray matter in female brains, researchers say. In a new study, brain scans reveal that women formerly addicted to stimulant drugs, such as cocaine and methamphetamine, have a smaller […]

New insight that could help in the development of future medical treatment against cocaine addiction


Cocaine antidote closer than ever. sciencedaily.com. January 13, 2015. Summary: New insight has been gained into the mechanism behind a protein dopamine transporter that could help in the development of future medical treatment against cocaine addiction.Researchers at the University of Copenhagen have gained new insight into the mechanism behind a protein dopamine transporter that could […]

Functional, structural, and emotional correlates of impaired insight in cocaine addiction, study


Brain Abnormalities Linked to Impaired Self-Awareness in Cocaine Addiction. sciencedaily.com. November 20, 2013. New research from the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai reveals long-term cocaine abuse may be associated with deficits in parts of the brain involved in monitoring and overseeing one’s own behavior. The findings call into question the long-held clinical assumption […]

To explain cocaine’s long-term health effects and detect the drug in biofluids for weeks or months


Clues to cocaine’s toxicity could lead to better tests for its detection in biofluids.acs.org. November 13, 2013. A new study on cocaine, the notorious white powder illegally snorted, injected or smoked by nearly 2 million Americans, details how it may permanently damage proteins in the body. That information, gleaned from laboratory tests, could be used […]

Topiramate for the treatment of cocaine addiction, a randomized clinical trial


Epilepsy Drug, Topiramate, Could Successfully Treat Cocaine Addiction. By Justin Caba. medicaldaily.com. October 28, 2013.Cocaine addiction can result in various health conditions and currently affects over 15 million people around the world. According to research out of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, the epilepsy medication topiramate could effectively […]

Cocaine use may increase one’s vulnerability to HIV infection, study


Cocaine use may increase HIV vulnerability. eurekalert.org. September 30, 2013. New research published in the Journal of Leukocyte Biology suggests that cocaine makes quiescent CD4 T cells susceptible to HIV resulting in significant infection and new virus production. Cocaine use may increase one’s vulnerability to HIV infection, according to a new research report published in […]

Prenatal cocaine exposure affects both behavior and brain in animal studies


Cocaine exposure in the womb: The brain structure is intact but development is off track.Says a new study in Biological Psychiatry. eurekalert.org.  September 25, 2013. Prenatal cocaine exposure affects both behavior and brain. Animal studies have shown that exposure to cocaine during in utero development causes numerous disruptions in normal brain development and negatively affects […]

Cocaine ‘rapidly changes the brain’, but only in ways which fuels addiction


Cocaine use boosts learning and decision-making… but only as part of increasing dependency. By Sara Malm. dailymail.co.uk. August 25, 2013.Cocaine boosts brain circuits which controls planning and learning.However the drug-related brain growth ‘biased decision-making’.Study mice found that they chose environments associated with cocaine.Read also:  Insights into eating behavior and body weight in cocaine-dependent men Polvo blanco… […]

Insights into eating behavior and body weight in cocaine-dependent men


The skinny on cocaine. eurekalert.org. August 09, 2013.New research suggests chronic cocaine use causes profound metabolic changes, reducing the body’s ability to store fat. Chronic cocaine use may reduce the body’s ability to store fat, new research from the University of Cambridge suggests. The scientists found that cocaine use may cause profound metabolic changes which […]

Cocaine and agranulocytosis


Agranulocytosis Associated with Cocaine Use — Four States, March 2008–November 2009. MMWR- CDC. December 18, 2009 / 58(49);1381-1385.In April 2008, a clinical reference laboratory in New Mexico notified the New Mexico Department of Health (NMDOH) of a cluster of unexplained agranulocytosis cases confirmed by bone marrow histopathology during the preceding 2 months. NMDOH began an […]

Dermatologic manifestations of Cocaine abuse


Skin manifestations of cocaine use. Robert I. Rudolph. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. February 2009 (Vol. 60, Issue 2, Pages 346-347). Full text in  PDFCocaine abuse: Dermatologic manifestations and therapeutic approaches. Jerry D. Brewer, Alexander Meves, J. Michael Bostwick, Kirsten Lyn Hamacher, Mark R. Pittelkow .Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. September […]

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