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The microalgae Alexandrium catenella, may still be in their growth phase in Chile


Intensity and extent of harmful microalgae increase. fis.com.Tuesday, May 03, 2016. The microalgae Alexandrium catenella, which caused the red tide phenomenon that affects the region of Los Lagos, may still be in their growth phase, so it is expected to increase both in intensity and geographical distribution.This was reported by the Emergency Scientific Advisory Committee […]

A report by the Chilean Institute of Public Health, show High Mercury Levels in albacore and tuna


Study Into High Mercury Levels In Fish. thefishsite.com. December 22, 2011. The Fisheries Commission has requested the allocation of resources in order to complete a study on heavy metals in fish. This was announced by the chairman of the Committee on Fisheries, Senator Antonio Horvath, following a report by the Institute of Public Health, which […]

A report by the Chilean Institute of Public Health, show High Mercury Levels in albacore and tuna


Study Into High Mercury Levels In Fish. thefishsite.com. December 22, 2011. The Fisheries Commission has requested the allocation of resources in order to complete a study on heavy metals in fish. This was announced by the chairman of the Committee on Fisheries, Senator Antonio Horvath, following a report by the Institute of Public Health, which […]

Article about poisonous snakes bite in northeastern Argentina with references from Sertox


Accident by  poisonous snakes bite.  Ferrari Usandizaga MF, Gallo V, Ghidini RV, Verón JO. Revista de Posgrado de la VI Cátedra de Medicina. N° 14 208 – August  2011. AbstractIntroduction: Ophidism or ophidian accident is the envenomation produced by snake bite.Objectives: Describe the characteristics of snakebite by venomous snakes in our region, with essential reference […]

Article about poisonous snakes bite in northeastern Argentina with references from Sertox


Accident by  poisonous snakes bite.  Ferrari Usandizaga MF, Gallo V, Ghidini RV, Verón JO. Revista de Posgrado de la VI Cátedra de Medicina. N° 14 208 – August  2011. AbstractIntroduction: Ophidism or ophidian accident is the envenomation produced by snake bite.Objectives: Describe the characteristics of snakebite by venomous snakes in our region, with essential reference […]

Arsenic in water linked TB risk


Arsenic-laced water ups TB risk: report. Reuters Health. January 07, 2011. New evidence from a region in Chile with a history of arsenic contamination in drinking water suggests the chemical may have a surprising effect: tuberculosis (TB). Ten years after arsenic leached into the water, rates of the lung infection shot up, peaking at twice […]

News from Sertox in June


1) Participation in  a Congress on Biochemist (See in Spanish), 2) Abuse of steroids in adolescents, (See in Spanish). We use NIDA Infofacts for this theme. , 3) Reference to articles Sertox (See in Spanish).Also see abstract of a new paper in RETEL: ASSISTED REPRODUCTION BY USING HORMONES IN THE CUBAN FROG Osteopilus Septentrionalis. (Anura: Ranidae)

Report about drug consumption in 6 countries in South America


Closer to home – drug use in six Latin American countries in focus. UNODC and CICAD-OEA present first comparative study on drug consumption in 6 countries in South America.26 June 2008 – Argentina, Chile and Uruguay are the countries with the greatest use of illicit drugs, Bolivia appears to be in an intermediate situation, and […]

New articles in Retel (14 & 15 edition)


Ecotoxicological evaluation of Pochonia chlamydosporia var. catenulata in terrestrial invertebrates.García L, Melchor G, Domínguez Y, Rodríguez H, Pino O and Hidalgo L. Abstract. PDF Full text. (Ed 14)Editorial 14 (only available in Spanish)Validation of an analytical procedure for the determination of alkaline and alkaline- earth metals in mices´serum.Alvarez M, Cañizares ME, Curbelo A, González B, Rivero […]



Gonzalo Alvarez. Firefighter volunteer, Valparaiso, Chile. April/2008. I work as emergency rescue operator in the Andean Division of Codelco, Chile, and I assist to all kind of emergencies within the division. We also cover the International F-60 route between the town of Los Andes to the passroad Los Libertadores, on the way to Mendoza. I […]

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Our site allows subscribe to RSS. If used as Mozilla Firefox browser appears on the same line of our address (click the image to expand, red arrow). It also can be found at the bottom of each page. RSS is a format for content syndication of web pages. Its acronym respond to Really Simple Syndication. […]

April 2008 Sertox news


4 interviews by Radio, to Juan Carlos Piola.  One was about Energy drink in Argentina. Another was about BPA in plastics and Canada Ban. See related news. See in Spanish.2 inteviews in TV: One was about "Binge drinking teenagers " in Rosario. See BBC related news.Many conferences (See: only available in Spanish) and 20 news […]

Thanks to WHO


For send us by mail two recents publications: Rabies and Envenomings. A Neglected Public Health Issue: Report of a Consultative Meeting Nonserial Publication. 10 Jamuary 2007.  See summary in  WHO web. Image from this place. WHO guidelines for assessing safety and quality of herbal medicines with reference to. contaminants and residues. Geneva, World Health Organization, 2007. 105 […]

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