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Portal latinoamericano de toxicología

Biblioteca ENGLISH

Rhabdomyolisis after acute skin exposure to a herbicide. Report of two Clinical cases


J. C. Piola (1); D.B. Prada (1); D.C. Ezpeleta (1). Acta Toxicol. Argent. (1997) 7(1) 11-15(1) Servicio de Toxicología del Sanatorio de Niños, RosarioHerbicides like dicamba are used to control broad-leaved weeds. This and others of the fenoxicetic family are formulated as ester or salts, sometimes containing up to 50% active ingredient. Muscle weakness and […]

Consulting about medication error in SERTOX, 1990-1997


J. C. Piola (*); D.B. Prada (*); M. Evangelista (*). Rev Med Rosario 65 (1);1999, 7-12.(*) Servicio de Toxicología del Sanatorio de Niños, RosarioMedication error (ME) constituted an interesting group of accidental poisonings that were assisted by us between 1990 and 1997. The problems and sources of ME are multidisciplinary and multifactorial. Pharmacists, physicians, nurses, […]

A New Denomination For The Term Accident Adapted To Toxicology


Marcela Evangelista*, Dora Beatriz Prada*, Julia Elena Sánchez*, Susana Isabel Garcia**, Inés Moreno**, Juan Carlos Piola*. Rev.Med.Rosario Vol.70: 56-60, 2004.*Servicio de Toxicología del Sanatorio de Niños (Sertox), Rosario. Alvear 858 PB "A" Te: (0341)4480202. E-mail: sertox@sertox.ar **Programa Nacional de Prevención y Control de Intoxicaciones. Secretaría de Programas Sanitarios. Subsecretaría de Programas de Prevención y Promoción. […]



Our clinical and epidemeological research works allow us to characterize the regional toxicological measures and, thus, we are able to adapt our services to actual demands. Our research works include the importance of:Suicidal attempts with toxins Serious poisoning with pesticides.Accidents caused by poisonous animals (AAP1) scorpions; (AAP2)spiders; (AAP3) ophidia.Poisoning in old people. Serious poisoning with […]

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